Tooth Whitening and Tooth Brushing are not the same

Brushing your teeth serves a variety of important functions. It clears away plaque that can build up and lead to tooth decay. It keeps your gums healthy and lowers your chance of developing gingivitis. It may even reduce your risk of developing dementia. However, it cannot fully fight off tooth stains. Yellowing of the teeth is common even in the most assiduous brushers.

Stains on the teeth are not necessarily the result of ill health. They are more likely an indication that you enjoy teeth-staining foods and beverages (like coffee). While brushing your teeth can help, it is typically not enough to totally prevent yellowing. This is true even if you use whitening toothpaste.

Fortunately, Falmouth Dental Arts offers treatments that can revitalize your smile. Don’t go another year feeling embarrassed of your yellow teeth. Spend just one hour in our office and you’ll leave with pearly whites. Would you rather whiten in the privacy of your own home? We also offer at-home tooth whitening solutions. Call us today at 207-781-5900.
