November 14 – World Diabetes Day

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. Diabetics produce less saliva, which plays an important part in keeping your mouth healthy. For this and other reasons, people with diabetes are especially vulnerable to gum disease, including painful gum infections.

If you have diabetes, it is important to pay attention to changes in your mouth that could be warning signs of infections, tooth decay, or other serious oral health problems. Changes include sore gums, bleeding gums, increased sensitivity, chronic dry mouth, and white patches on the gums.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects many areas of health. However, much like with oral health, a good diet goes a long way. Controlling your glucose levels by abstaining from sugar and other foods that cause glucose spikes will help keep you smiling.

Just as you check in on your glucose levels, check in on your oral health by visiting Falmouth Dental Arts. Regular dental check ups are necessary to maintain good oral health and stop problems before they stop your smile. Call us at 207-781-5900.
