5 Tips for Healthy Gums

Your pearly whites get a lot of attention, but when was the last time you thought about the health of your gums?  Your gums play a vital role in your beautiful smile and your overall health. When you brush and floss your teeth you’re not just preventing cavities,  you’re also protecting your gums from developing gum disease.  Also known as periodontal disease, it is the leading cause of tooth loss, impacts your overall health, and as we’ve discussed on the blog before, has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.  So what are the ways you can improve the health of your gums?  Here are 5 tips to help keep your gums healthy:

1. Brush Properly

A proper brushing technique is essential to preventing gum disease.  Start with a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush at a 45 degree angle to your gum line.  Use short strokes and make sure you get all surfaces of your teeth.  You should spend 2 minutes, twice a day on brushing.  When you’re done with your teeth, don’t forget to brush your tongue, too!  If you have questions about your brushing technique, don’t hesitate to ask your hygienist for a quick demonstration at your next appointment…our hygiene team loves to help and share their knowledge!

2. Floss Daily

An important part of your oral health care regimen, flossing helps remove food and plaque from between the teeth.  We know flossing can be a hard habit to stick with so if you’re looking for other ways to clean between your teeth, check out our blog post on alternatives to traditional flossing.  If you notice any bleeding when you floss let us know at your next visit–this can be an early sign of periodontal disease.  Find a method that works for you and stick with it!

3. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health!  People who smoke cigarettes are four times as likely to have periodontal disease, and smoking makes it harder to manage treatments.  Let us know if you have questions about smoking and oral health care or if you need help quitting…we want to support you!

4. Eat Your Fruits, Veggies, and Nuts

Eating a diet rich in healthy fruits and vegetables is good for your body, good for your teeth, and good for your gums.  By incorporating foods that are rich in Omega-3s, vitamin C, and fiber you are not only getting essential nutrients, you are reducing inflammation and boosting your immune system, and in the process supporting the health of your gums as well.  Snack on some almonds, bell peppers, and leafy greens for the win!

5. Schedule Regular Visits to Falmouth Dental Arts

Coming in for regular check-ups with Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos is an important part of your oral health care. Seeing us regularly helps us monitor the health of your gums and teeth and notice if there are early signs of gum disease we can help you reverse.  We are your partners in oral health care and want to help you have effective dental care for a healthy mouth and a healthy life!


If you have questions about the health of your gums or need to schedule your next appointment, please call us at 207.781.5900.  We are working diligently to schedule patients  with our new safety protocols, and appreciate your patience.  We look forward to seeing you!

