Time to Get Tubular! Choosing the Right Toothpaste for You

At the heart of every oral care routine is toothpaste. You brush your teeth twice a day, so you want to find the toothpaste that’s right for you. Visit any drugstore, however, and you can get overwhelmed by the amount of choices! How do you know which one is right for you and your needs? At FDA, we are always happy to assist our patients in making decisions about their well-being, whether that means choosing the right dental treatment plan or helping a patient set up a home care routine. In that spirit, here is some helpful information for choosing a toothpaste that’s right for you and your oral care.

ADA Seal of Acceptance

First things first – the ADA is a great resource when you’re looking for the best products to help maintain your oral health. When choosing a toothpaste, make sure you buy a product with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. They’ve done their research! Toothpastes with the Seal must contain fluoride and meet the ADA’s requirements for “safety and efficacy in reducing tooth decay.” So, look for their seal on any tube of toothpaste you are considering for your home oral care.

Next, you’ll want to consider your oral health care needs and priorities. Here are a few examples:

  • Whiter Teeth: You can achieve a brighter, more confident smile with a whitening toothpaste. Look for a tube with ingredients such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide; these are effective whitening agents. Please note whitening toothpastes can use abrasives and/or chemicals to polish teeth and eliminate surface stains, which may trigger a reaction in some people. FDA also provides both in-house and at-home whitening treatment options. Please give us a call to schedule a consultation with Dr. B or Dr. K if you’d like to learn more!


  • Tartar Control: If your check-up revealed that you have a tartar issue, you may want to look for a toothpaste with extra tart control. Tartar is a hardened form of dental plaque and can lead to gum disease. Please note that tartar control toothpaste may cause sensitivity for some individuals.


  • Sensitive Teeth: If you find yourself reacting when you come in contact with food or drinks that are cold or hot, you likely have sensitive teeth. There are a variety of reasons you may be experiencing sensitivity, from exposed dentin or receding gums. Fortunately, there are also toothpaste that can help lessen your sensitivity symptoms. For example, toothpastes with potassium nitrate can help soothe nerve endings, while toothpastes with chlorhexidine can help reduce plaque and prevent gum disease. One product we carry at FDA is MI Paste, which is fortified with calcium, fluoride and phosphate and helps replace minerals lost in the tooth’s structure. If you have concerns about your teeth sensitivity, your first step should be to come in for an appointment with Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos so they can assess your oral health and help you find the product that will best alleviate your sensitivity symptoms.


  • All-Natural Ingredients: If you’re interested in a more organic lifestyle, consider an all-natural toothpaste free of harsh chemicals. For example, ingredients in traditional toothpastes, such as SLS, which acts as a foaming agent, can irritate some people’s gums. Choosing a natural toothpaste can be a great choice for both your oral health and the health of the planet!


  • Toothpaste for Kids: We love getting kids to brush and often hear from our littlest patients that the taste of their toothpaste is important. Fortunately, you can now find way more exciting options than just minty fresh! From a berry-blast to a bubblegum sparkle, there are all sorts of fun flavor options out there. Beyond flavor, toothpaste for kids can often feature their favorite cartoon characters as well. Empower your little ones to participate in their oral care by letting them choose their own toothpaste.

Whatever tube of toothpaste you choose, make sure you brush those beautiful teeth of yours twice a day. If you still have questions about the best toothpaste for you, please give us a call at 207.781.5900. We’re here to be your partner in oral health!

Tooth paste tubes with a question mark coming out of the open tube
