Tooth Culture Around the World

Pack your toothbrush!  Let’s travel around the world and learn about tooth culture in other countries!  While the goal of oral health is the same across the globe, other cultures have different values and practices surrounding teeth.  At FDA, we love an opportunity to learn…come join us in this dental exploration!

Tooth Fairy or Magic Mouse?

What do your kids do when they lose a tooth?  Throw it up on the roof?  If you lived in Vietnam, that is exactly what they would do!  There are oodles of interesting teeth traditions beyond the tooth fairy.  For example, in Mexico, kids put their teeth in a little box for El Raton, a magic mouse, kids in South Africa put their lost teeth in their slipper for another magic mouse, and Yupik children in Alaska feed their teeth to the family dog with the hope it will help a new healthy tooth replace it.  You and your kids can learn about more traditions from around the world with the book Throw Your Tooth on the Roof

Straight Teeth or Crooked Teeth?

Americans are known for their love of straight teeth and can spend a lot of time with a dentist or orthodontist to achieve that perfectly aligned smile.  In Japan, however, you might ask your dentist to give you a more crooked, pointy grin with YaebaYaeba, or “double tooth” is a cosmetic procedure to make a cap for the canine teeth that is longer and pointier.  It is associated with youthfulness and natural beauty and a popular trend for young women.  

Toothbrush or Chewing Stick?

The toothbrush is an integral part of our oral health regimen and key to keeping plaque at bay, but have you ever tried Miswak?  Miswak is an Arabic word meaning “tooth-cleaning stick” and is considered to be the first documented form of dental hygiene.  Made from the Salvadora persica tree, it is popular throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa, and is gaining popularity in other parts of the world as well.  In fact, there are some studies that show that using a Miswak is as effective or greater than a toothbrush.  Given that it’s 100% natural and biodegradable, more and more people are turning to Miswak as a natural oral health care option.


We hope you enjoyed these fascinating facts from around the world!  If you know about any other fun tooth culture trivia, share it on our Facebook page!  We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Behind the PPE – An Interview with Dr. Brunacini

Safety and infection control has always been a top priority for us in providing you with the highest quality oral health care.  Perhaps you’ve seen our staff wear PPE for certain appointments in the past, but today per the guidance of the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) we now wear them for every appointment.  It’s a change for all of us and does shift the feeling of the environment we create for your care.   A big part of our oral health care practice is to make sure that as our patient you are comfortable, your needs are accommodated, and you feel connected to our compassionate team of professionals.  That can feel harder now that our team is behind layers of equipment, but even if you can’t see our smiles, please know that we are so happy to answer questions and want to do everything we can to help you feel safe and comfortable in our office.  Many of you have questions about our PPE, so we thought we’d give you a peek behind the mask and tell you about the components of our protective equipment and what it’s like for us to wear them.  We spoke with Dr. Brunacini to learn more.

1. What are the elements of the PPEs you and your staff wear?

We have always practiced “universal precautions” in the clinical areas which include gloves, surgical masks, and safety glasses. Now, because of the nature of dentistry and how coronavirus is spread, we have taken additional precautions to manage what is called the “droplet precautions.” These additional precautions include surgical caps to cover our hair, N95 masks, face shields, shoe covers to protect our shoes, and washable full gowns. We are basically covered head-to-toe!  There are even plexiglass barriers installed at the front desk for safety.  

2. How does wearing the PPE affect your job?

Of course, wearing many layers of PPE can get pretty hot, so the A/C is running colder than before.  Also, I find the need to change gowns for each appointment slows me down in checking patients throughout the day.  The biggest challenge is maintaining the relationship aspect with our patients.  Feeling buried in PPE can create a challenge for us to help our patients feel comfortable and trusting, especially when we are meeting someone for the first time.  Patient comfort is one of our top priorities, so we are all doing our best to find ways to communicate our compassion.

3. I hear there is a shortage of PPEs in our country, is FDA concerned?

During the closure, it was very difficult to obtain PPE through the normal supply chains.  There were some days that I simply searched for ways to obtain the PPE, and didn’t know when it would even arrive as a lot of PPE was backordered.  It does seem that the PPE production backlog has improved slightly, which is allowing us to get the necessary PPE.  

4. What do I need to do to help protect you and your staff during my appointment?

We are requiring all patients to arrive wearing masks until they are escorted into the dental room.  We are also asking everyone to be patient and understanding of the screening questions that we must do prior to their appointments.  It may be repetitive, but it is prudent to do in order to keep people safe. We are grateful to have our wonderful family of patients to care for, and really appreciate everyone doing their part to keep our office safe for everyone.

Thank you, Dr. Brunacini!

From our FDA family to you and your family: thank you for being our patient…we’re in this together!  We’re happy we can continue to safely provide you with the highest quality oral health care.  If you have any questions about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice, please visit our COVID protocol page or give us a call at 207.781.5900.  If you are overdue for your appointment, rest assured we will be in touch as soon as we catch up on our backlog; we appreciate your patience!  We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

History of the Dentist: 1720, 1820, 1920, 2020

Are you the type of person who gets excited or nervous before your dentist appointment with Dr. Brunacini, Dr. Karagiorgos, or Dr. Smith? Although it’s completely normal to have a few butterflies before you sit in the exam chair, you should be excited that you’re not sitting in a dental office in 1720–you might not have had any teeth when you left! At FDA, we are committed to patient comfort no matter the century. But what was it like being a patient of dentists 100, 200, or even 300 years ago? Let’s take a look! 

1720: Fake Smiles 

The 1700’s saw the first professionals trained in the treatment of teeth. However, a combination of disease, high-sugar diets, and very few fresh fruits and vegetables meant most people suffered from slow and painful tooth decay and loss. Because of this, 18th century dentists were focused on tooth extraction and not tooth preservation.

The tools used for extracting teeth were not elegant–and anesthetic technology had yet to be invented. Forceps, pliers, hot coals, and string were all common tools of the dental trade. In fact, specially-trained dentists only serviced the wealthy; middle and lower class folks frequently visited their local blacksmith if they had a toothache. 

With tooth loss running rampant, false teeth were extremely common. Ivory and porcelain were popular materials for making a set of false teeth– but nothing could beat genuine human teeth! It was common practice to pay people (especially children and teenagers) for their teeth. Although it seems incredible now, during a time when poverty was common, a penny for an incisor or molar was a tempting offer for many people!

1820: Comfortably Numb

Three important scientific discoveries during the 19th century propelled dentistry towards the science and practice of preserving smiles. 

American dentist Horace Wells first applied the anesthetic effects of nitrous oxide in a tooth extraction, leading to more comfortable dental visits and pioneering other anesthetic techniques. 

A few states away, Charles Goodyear was experimenting with techniques to make a flexible rubber, which he called Vulcanite. Dentist Thomas W. Evans took Goodyear’s vulcanite and created a rubberized denture–a much more cost effective option compared to ivory or porcelain. Dr. Evans eventually created a set of vulcanite dentures for Mr. Goodyear. 

Last but certainly not least, 19th century microbiologist Dr. Willoughby D. Miller was the first dentist to suggest that bacteria in the mouth was to blame for tooth decay. So began the never-ending fight against cavities! 

1920: Setting the Standard

The 19th century laid the groundwork for the modern practice of dentistry, and the 20th century continued to build on that foundation.

The use of x-ray technology on teeth affirmed dentistry’s commitment to tooth preservation. Dr. Frederick McKay devoted his dental practice to the study of fluoride’s effects on enamel health–ultimately leading to the fluoridation of city water across the United States. 

Dental schools took definite shape in the 20th century; the American Dental Association started the practice of formal licensure for clinics and practice; modern dental tools such as tarter scrapers and removers were invented and standardized across the practice. 

2020: Helping Hands

As you can see, the 21st century is the best place to be when it comes to dental care. The largest shift from the 20th to the 21st century was the introduction of dental hygienists as integral members of the dental practice. 

We are grateful for our incredible team of hygienists, they help us provide you with the best oral health care.  We’re also happy that all of our dentists are kind, talented, and trained medical professionals–not blacksmiths with pliers and a spare moment! We pride ourselves on providing not just great dentistry, but compassionate and stress-free oral health care!

We look forward to seeing you at your next 21st century dentist appointment. Be sure to read through our COVID Protocol page to make sure that you’re prepared for your appointment!

Tooth Playlist – Our Top 10 Hits!

All I Want for Christmas…in July is my two front teeth!  It’s time to face the music: Sometimes we just don’t feel like brushing and flossing our teeth! Everyone has days when two minutes of brushing time seems like an eternity. We have a secret weapon for weary brushers: Music! Music pumps us up for sporting events, workouts, long car rides, and yes, even brushing our teeth.

We’ve compiled a playlist of 10 Songs about teeth to get you brushing your teeth and tapping your feet. These are all clean tunes, fit for family members of every toothbrush size. DJ Dentist, take it away! 

1.“Crooked Teeth” by Death Cab for Cutie 

Cause at night the sun in retreat made the skyline look like crooked teeth. 

2. “Brush Your Teeth” by Raffi

When you wake up in the morning at a quarter to one and you want to have a little fun…You brush your teeth! 

3.“Wolves Without Teeth” by Of Monsters and Men

And I run from wolves…without teeth.

4.“All I Want for Christmas” by Nat King Cole

Gee if I could only have my two front teeth!

5.“Dental Care” by Owl City

When hygienists leave on long vacations, that’s when dentists scream and lose their patience. 

6.“Savoy Truffle” by the Beatles

Yes you’ll have to have them all pulled out after the Savoy truffle! 

7.“Kids Just Love to Brush” by Sesame Street 

I’m always in a rush! Oh Mama, I can hardly wait to brush! 

8.“Cavity Search” by Weird Al Yankovic

This is it pal…Root Canal! 

9.“Brushing My Teeth” by Barney

But while I’m brushing my teeth and having so much fun, I never let the water run! 

10.“Baby Take Your Teeth Out” by Frank Zappa

Baby take your teeth out, it’ll be fine! 

Post a video of you and your family brushing along to one of these songs–or your own favorite dental care anthem–and post it to the Falmouth Dental Arts Facebook Page


Please note: our office opened on June 1 with new protocols and procedures in place to keep you and our staff safe. You can also read the full list of these updates on our COVID Protocol Page, easily found in the top menu bar of our website, so you know what to expect before your next appointment.  If you are overdue for your appointment, rest assured we will be in touch soon as we catch up with our backlog. We do look forward to seeing you again.  Thank you for being our patient!


Feeling Flossy: Alternatives to Traditional Flossing

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: Floss your teeth!  It’s just as important as brushing and crucial to preventing gum disease.  And yet, only about 30% of Americans floss daily.  We understand that it can be a hard habit to fit into your daily oral health routine–the floss gets stuck in your teeth, sometimes your gums bleed, and it feels like it takes forever!  We are often asked if there are any alternatives to flossing and the answer is…yes!  Let’s look at what other options you have for cleaning those hard to reach places between your teeth.

Water Flossing

Water Flossing is a way to clean around and between your teeth with a pressurized steady stream of water.  Perhaps you’ve seen or experienced the device in our office.  Water Flossers can be particularly helpful for patients with braces, dental bridges, dental implants, or gum pocketing.  You can find a Water Flosser with the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance.  While more expensive than traditional floss, it is a helpful tool for reaching areas that are hard to access with floss and a great option if you find flossing difficult or painful. This is also a great alternative if you are concerned about little plastic floss containers ending up in the landfill. 

Interdental Brushes

Another easy and practical option is an interdental brush.  Studies have shown that when used in combination with regular tooth brushing, an interdental brush can be more effective than floss in removing plaque from between your teeth.  These small, cone-shaped brushes are designed to be inserted gently between your teeth and can be rinsed and reused a few times.  Patients with braces, food traps, dental bridges, or mobility issues may find this a good alternative.  It’s also less of an investment than a Water Flosser.

Dental Picks

As the name suggests, these are small wooden or plastic picks that can be used to remove plaque from between teeth and gums.  Picks aren’t quite as effective as floss and you risk moving bacteria around your mouth unless you use a new pick for each tooth, but they allow for better maneuverability for patients who have braces and thus some hard to reach areas.  Again, it’s always important to look for a product that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance

Whichever option you choose, the most important thing about cleaning your teeth is to do it!  Find a routine that works for you and stick with it…your teeth and your gums will thank you!  Also, if you experience bleeding gums from flossing this may be an early sign of periodontal disease–please be sure to inform us of any bleeding at your next visit to our office.  If you have any questions about whether flossing or one of these alternatives is right for you, let us know.  We are here to support you and provide you with the best oral health care!

Also, please note, our office opened on June 1 with new protocols and procedures in place to keep you and our staff safe.  You can also read the full list of these updates on our COVID Protocol Page, easily found in the top menu bar of our website, so you know what to expect before your next appointment.  If you are overdue for your appointment, rest assured we will be in touch soon as we catch up with our backlog. We do look forward to seeing you again.  Thank you for being our patient!