January Healthy Habits

January Healthy Habits

Happy New Year! Ready to give your smile a fresh start in 2025? January is the perfect opportunity to give your health and wellness habits an update. As you make your list of resolutions, don’t forget about your teeth! At FDA we often talk about the link between oral...

FDA – FAQ Blog

FDA – FAQ Blog

Falmouth Dental Arts has been providing complete, compassionate care for our patients in Southern Maine for over 50 years. We love helping our patients achieve the smile of their dreams and work to build a partnership so we can provide the highest quality dental care...

The Season of Giving – Join FDA in Giving Back

The Season of Giving – Join FDA in Giving Back

Shake those jingle bells, the holiday season is upon us! This time of year we make it a priority to give back to our community. At FDA, we love helping people smile and we believe that everyone should have access to oral health care. This is why we work with two dental charities that are doing great work in our community: Dental Lifeline and Dancing with the Dentists. If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll recognize these charities…perhaps you even got tickets to watch Dr. Karagiorgos at Dancing with the Dentists! To inspire you to join us in giving back, here is some more information about the important work of these two organizations.

Go Electric! 3 Reasons We Love Electric Toothbrushes

Go Electric! 3 Reasons We Love Electric Toothbrushes

At FDA, we love electric toothbrushes for both our patients and for ourselves! We are here to help our patients reach their oral health goals and we often advise on home care routines. After all, brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes is an essential part of your oral health care regimen! You can supercharge your oral hygiene by going electric!

When to Call Falmouth Dental Arts

When to Call Falmouth Dental Arts

Routine visits to the dentist are essential for maintaining a healthy smile. They help Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos monitor your oral health and catch any dental issues early. But if it’s been awhile since you’ve been in for a checkup or if an issue arises in...

5 Ways to Thank Your Teeth

5 Ways to Thank Your Teeth

At FDA we are grateful for our family of patients and our amazing team of compassionate professionals. As you reflect on what you are grateful for this year, don’t forget to thank your teeth! Those pearly whites work hard for you every day! Here are 5 easy ways to say thank you to your teeth.

It’s National Dental Hygiene Month! Meet FDA’s Hygienist Team

It’s National Dental Hygiene Month! Meet FDA’s Hygienist Team

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, a month-long campaign focused on raising public awareness about oral health and hygiene. It’s also a reminder to thank your dental hygienist! At FDA, we have an amazing team of hygienists who are all wonderful ambassadors of excellent oral health: Alex, Diann, Erin, Jean, Kelly, and Lydianne.