Avoid the Grind of the Season: Bruxism or Teeth Grinding
The holiday season is upon us and along with it is holiday stress. Stress is one of the main causes of bruxism or teeth grinding, which often happens while you sleep. While occasional grinding or clenching may not be harmful, regular grinding can damage not only...
An Apple a Day…Keeps Your Mouth Healthy! 5 Foods & Drinks That Benefit Your Teeth
You are what you eat. This is particularly true for your teeth: when your diet is less than ideal so is the health of your mouth. As we enter this holiday season and have loads of goodies to feast upon, we wanted to share a list of foods and drinks that can benefit...
Trick or Trivia! Bizarre and Spooky Dental Facts
Vampires and jack-o-lanterns and ghosts...oh my! Halloween is upon us and that means candy and costumes. While it’s always a good time to think about your dental health, Halloween is also a good time for dental trivia! Why? Because we love these scary and fun facts...
What Does the Dentist Have to Do with My Diabetes?
Did you know that 1 in 5 cases of tooth loss is linked to diabetes? Here at FDA we believe that good oral hygiene is an important part of maintaining your overall health and this is especially true for our patients with diabetes. Many people don’t know about the...
Healthy Habits Start Here!
Family Friendly Dentistry at Falmouth Dental Arts We believe that oral health care is important for your whole family. From toddlers to grandparents, we are dedicated to providing the most caring and comfortable environment for every member of your family. We want...
You Better Wise Up…About Wisdom Teeth!
Third molars, prehistoric chompers, painful nuisances...we’re talking about wisdom teeth! You’ve probably known someone who has had their wisdom teeth removed, but what are these mysterious molars and why do they need to be removed? Let’s be wise and learn more! What...
It’s a Digital World!
Dr. Brunacini on Digital Dentistry One of the most exciting and useful advancements in dentistry in recent years has been the incorporation of digital tools. Digital Dentistry is an integral part of our practice at Falmouth Dental Arts. Perhaps you read about Dr....
Five Fun Facts About Saliva
What do you think when you hear the word saliva? Cute baby drool-bubbles? Gross spit on the sidewalk? An amazing bacteria-fighting superhero in your mouth? Get ready to get excited about saliva, one of the most important fluids in oral health! It plays a...
Is Oral Sedation Right for You?
Here at FDA, we offer oral conscious sedation for patients who need help being comfortable and relaxed during dental procedures. With oral conscious sedation, a patient takes a pill an hour before coming in for an appointment and needs a companion to escort them to...