Frankie Says Relax… at the Dentist!
It’s common to feel overwhelmed by going to the dentist. Here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we strive to make your appointments with us as easy and comfortable as possible. Here are some techniques we’ve found to be helpful for many patients: Communication If you...
Are Tooth Banks the Future?
Perhaps the Tooth Fairy should start looking for a new job! Researchers have had success in locating stem cells in dental tissue and in regenerating new dental tissue. Dental stem cells have the potential to grow not just teeth, but also show promise in the repair of...
Lost a Tooth? Don’t Call the Tooth Fairy Yet!
Losing a tooth is an exciting rite-of-passage when you are young, but as an adult it is a cause for concern. It is also common: most adults will lose teeth to decay, gum disease or injury. Losing teeth not only affects your smile but also impacts your bite and your...
Oil Pulling: Health Craze or Healthy Practice?
In recent years, oil pulling has gained a lot of attention as a natural alternative to traditional oral hygiene. Proponents claim that it will whiten teeth, reduce inflammation, and help cure gingivitis. As with our exploration of activated charcoal last month, we...
Make Oral Care “Smart” with a Toothbrush of the Future!
Oral care is important and with ever-changing technology, there are more and more options to help make it just a bit easier. In the early ‘90s, the electric toothbrush entered the market, helping to improve oral care for millions of Americans. But in 2018, inventors...
The Charc(whole) Truth
Recently we’ve been hearing more questions about activated charcoal and its potential to whiten teeth. It’s an intriguing phenomenon in the whitening category and we wanted to share our findings and our verdict on whether it actually helps or harms oral health. To...
Dancing with the Dentists Season 3
You’ve heard the rumors, you’ve even heard some of the tales… well it’s back again in 2018! That’s right everyone, Dancing with the Dentists Season 3 is May 11th! Now in its third year, Dancing with the Dentists brings dentists from the Maine community together with a...
Let’s Get Digital!
As with any industry, technology in the dental field advances quickly. These advancements provide numerous benefits for both doctors and patients. One piece of technology that has changed over the years is the x-ray. Invented in 1895, x-rays are used to see the...
Dentist or Detective? Using Intraoral Cameras to Solve Problems
We can tell a lot just by taking a look around your mouth while you are sitting in our chair. But sometimes, we need to take a closer look at your teeth to get to the root of a problem you may be experiencing. X-rays are most commonly used to help us to find issues...