Oral Hygiene Tips for Those with Braces

From the day your braces are first put on, you have probably imagined what your smile will look like on the day they are taken off. To avoid any unwanted surprises, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene from the moment your braces are affixed right up until...

Protecting Kids’ Teeth During Sports

Parents know best: kids are bundles of energy often searching for ways to release it. One of the most common ways kids find to release their energy is during individual or group sports! And as we all know, with these activities, there comes a little bit of risk. As...

The Truth About Maintaining a White Smile

We all want white teeth, but the best way to achieve that is to understand what stains the teeth to begin with. It’s important to know that teeth have pores and absorb similarly to our skin. We often think twice about applying certain products and chemicals to our...

How Diet Affects Oral Health

We all know how food choices affect the body, but did you know they also affect oral health? It may not be as evident, but if you were to examine your mouth on a cellular level, you would find a wealth of health information there, often before health problems manifest...

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Moms-to-be out there can agree – pregnancy is an exciting time of life! It is a time when you become more mindful of your health – for your sake and your baby’s. While it is evident that your body needs to be well cared for during this time, we like to remind moms...

Caring for Your Dental Implants

When thinking about dental implants, you might assume they’re just like your other teeth. But in the dental world, we treat implants quite differently from your natural teeth, especially in terms of hygiene and care needed. Today we’d like to share with you the...

Why Does the Dentist Take Your Blood Pressure?

This is a question we get asked more and more. It may seem unnecessary to some of you, but we’d like to share two major reasons why blood pressure should be monitored during your visit to the dentist. First and foremost, hypertension. Monitoring blood pressure is a...

Gum Disease: Its Stages & How to Prevent It

As a child, you may have disliked the constant reminders from mom and dad to brush your teeth before bed, but as we get older, we realize more and more how beneficial healthy oral hygiene is to the longevity of our pearly whites, and just how right mom and dad were....

Make Mindful Candy Choices This Halloween

Halloween is before us and what more to look forward to than households of children amped up on sugar while their precious teeth remain coated in sticky treats. Let’s not take away their treat-filled fun, but we can certainly help to make it a healthier experience for...