Prevent Oral Ailments with Dental Radiography

We often associate X-rays with broken bones, and because of this we think of them as being part of diagnostic rather than preventative medicine. In dentistry, however, it’s different. Dental X-rays play an invaluable role in detecting problems before they become major...

What exactly is TMD/TMJ?

In recent years, more and more people are hearing about TMD and TMJ at the dentist’s office. As is the case with many acronyms discussed at large, people might be wondering what exactly TMD and TMJ are, and what is in store for your teeth if you are diagnosed. Today...

All About Sealants

At any dentist’s office, you hear all about a number of different procedures done on teeth. Some of the more common ones include fillings and sealants. You probably first heard the word “sealant” in the dentist’s chair when you were a kid, but probably didn’t fully...

Sensitive Teeth? You’re not alone…

Something we hear a lot in our dental office is that a patient’s teeth hurt at certain moments – like when you’re eating a long-awaited ice cream on a summer day or when you’re sipping coffee at an early morning meeting. Noticing these moments is important, but why do...

The Dentist’s Tool Box

Dentists and hygienists use many different tools during a typical dental exam. You’ve probably never asked what each tool was for, but we are sure you have wondered! Our tool boxes are full of different tools, each with a specific purpose.We wanted to give you a...

Introducing Dr. Karagiorgos

This month we would like to take some time to feature the most recent addition to our team here at Falmouth Dental Arts: Dr. Antonios Karagiorgos (pronounced "kara-george-us") or simply “Dr. K.” Dr. Karagiorgos also goes by Adonis, so please feel free to call him by...

Getting into the Cracks: Waterpik vs. Flossing

It’s written in the history books at this point: the best way to maintain your dental health is by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. But in recent years, and with technology playing an increased part in our lives, the lines begin to blur as we continue to...

Celebrating Dr. Knock: Congratulations on your retirement!

As we announced in March of this year, Dr. Glen Knock will be retiring at the close of this month after years of providing dedicated, professional care to patients throughout his impressive dental career. His work has impacted many, and we know a lot of people will...

The Lowdown on Teeth Grinding

Have you ever wondered if you grind your teeth at night? If you did, how would you know? Has one of your loved ones told you that they’ve heard you grinding your teeth? If so, you’re not alone: teeth grinding, aka bruxism, is a fairly common phenomenon across the US....