Ten Fun and Crazy Dental Facts!

At Falmouth Dental Arts, the office of Dr. Glen Knock and Dr. Brian Brunacini, we take dentistry very seriously. But believe it or not, teeth can be fun! Here are ten wild and crazy dental facts that will make you smile and improve your health as well.  The average...

Beware of Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and you may be getting ready for some big fat kisses to come your way. So even though at Falmouth Dental Arts, we're concerned about cavities, gum disease, bad breath and lots of saliva, we won't use this month's blog entry...

You Say You Want a Resolution??

As 2012 approaches, you have probably already started your list of New Year's resolutions.  If you are like most people, this list probably includes: go to the gym, lose weight, take tango lessons, call your mother more often, find the cure for cancer, etc... But...

Don’t be a Dental Turkey!

When the pilgrims left England on the Mayflower, they were looking for a land free of persecution.  By the time they landed in Massachusetts 66 days later, they found the journey to be a lot more grueling than they orginally planned. Among the many health issues they...

Why The Heck Do You Need To Know That?

When you come in for your dental visit, you may notice that we do a lot more than examine your teeth and gums. One of the most importan parts of your visit is when we ask you questions about your general health.  But many people have said to us: "What does that have...

Introducing Dr. Brian Brunacini!

We are excited to announce that Dr. Brian Brunacini will be joining our practice in July! Dr. Brunacini graduated from The Ohio State University in 2009. Since graduation, he has worked as an associate in Rockport, Maine. He is interested in sedation dentistry as well...

Tooth Vacation Checklist!

Your Teeth Deserve A Vacation! The suitcases are packed, the car is loaded, the dog is at the kennel – and it’s time for summer vacation!! There is no better time for relaxing at the beach, exploring a fascinating city, or enjoying the outdoors. Being miles away from...

Your Teeth Aren’t in Kansas Anymore!

Recently a famous celebrity doctor (whose last name sounds like a land where Dorothy from Kansas found a great and powerful wizard) recommended a simple at-home whitening formula. The recipe? Coat your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice before...

Tight Dentures – Take a Bite out of that Apple!

If you, a friend, or a loved one wears dentures that spend much of the time either floating around in the mouth or, even worse, sitting in a glass, then there are many new solutions to this problem. Many people wear their dentures for too many years before they are...