Dancing With The Dentists a huge success!

DwD logo no textIn it’s inaugural season, Dancing With the Dentists exceeded all expectations in raising well over $40,000 for Portland’s Healthcare for the Homeless Dental Clinic, and Maine Dental LifeLine.  Conceived by Dr. Glen Knock and patterned after the wildly popular “Dancing With The Stars”, local dentists were paired with professional ballroom dance instructors to put on a dazzling display of footwork and fun.  Over 400 people attended and cheered the contestants on at the Italian Heritage Center in Portland.  Host Shannon Moss, DJ Mike Violette,  and judges Governor John Baldacci, physician and author Dr. Christiane Northrup, and radio personality Ken Altshuler helped make the program one to remember.

Each contestant danced either a ballroom or Latin dance and the audience and judges voted for who they thought was the best.  None had ever done ballroom dancing before September. A wonderful twist was that the dancers were all dentists married to dentists and the vote was tallied for the best couple.  There was even a family angle with Dr. Joseph Penna and his wife, Maine Dental Association President Dr. Demi Kouzounas competing against their daughter and son-in-law, Drs. Nichol Penna and Doug Delli Colli!  Also dancing were the overall winners,  Dr. Jenny Fultz, the dentist at the Healthcare for the Homeless Dental Clinic, with her husband Dr. Brian Brunacini. Drs. Killian and Tarryn MacCarthy rounded out the four couples.

The generosity of Northeast Delta Dental and Tom’s of Maine helped underwrite the program, with Delta’s donation earmarked for Dental LifeLine.  Many other donations and ticket sales helped make this first ever Dancing With The Dentists a huge success.  Everyone is looking forward to next November and the second Dancing With The Dentists!

Check out some pictures of the event! Photo credit to No Umbrella Media!

November is American Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness MonthNovember is American Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a chronic disorder that affects the body’s ability to process sugar. The resulting high sugar content in the blood can cause a number of health problems all over the body, including your mouth!! It is so prevalent in our country today that there is a reasonable chance someone at your Thanksgiving dinner table will be a diabetic. So, whether you want to calm one of your guest’s nerves on Thursday, or indulge in some of the traditional favorites yourself, we’ve got your back and want to help you do that so that you and your company can relax and fully enjoy the holidays…carbs, sugar and all!

But first, lets start this article off with some quick facts  about diabetes from the American Diabetes Association:

  • Nearly 26 million children and adults in the U.S. have diabetes.
  • Another 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Recent estimates project that as many as one in three American adults will have diabetes in 2050 unless we take steps to stop diabetes.
  • The American Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion.

Pretty scary stats. But how does that stuff pertain to your mouth, you ask? Well, diabetes can drastically lower your resistance to infection and can slow the healing process, and this can have an affect on your oral health. Here are the most common ways diabetes can affect your mouth:

  • Gum disease. Recent research suggests that the connection between gum disease and diabetes goes both ways. On the one hand, because of lowered resistance and a longer healing process, gum disease appears to be more frequent and more severe among those with diabetes. Conversely, it appears that treating gum disease in people with diabetes can help improve blood sugar control.
  • Fungal infections. Since diabetes compromises your immune system, you may be prone to developing fungal infections. Symptoms include painful sores and difficulty swallowing. If you develop a fungal infection, see your dentist.
  • Infection and delayed healing. If you are having extensive oral surgery, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection. To help the healing process, keep your blood glucose levels under control before, during and after surgery.

(These bullet points were taken from the www.mouthhealthy.org, brought to you by the American Dental Association)

Don’t worry, there are ways to protect yourself. Each person is different, so make sure to consult with your doctor and map out a plan that is right for you. Here are some tips that anyone can put into practice this Thanksgiving, but would be especially beneficial to diabetics:

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1.) Think about the timing of your meal. Many families eat large meals at odd times on holidays. Plan in advance for how you will handle making changes if your meal does not line up with your regular meal schedule. If you take insulin injections or a pill that lowers blood glucose, you may need to have a snack at your normal meal time to prevent a low blood glucose reaction. Check with your health care team about this.

2.) Be physically active! The best way to compensate for eating a little more than usual is to be active. Start a new tradition that involves moving around away from the food. Take a walk with the family or play Frisbee, soccer, or touch football with the kids.

3.) Have foods to nibble on while you are cooking or waiting to eat. Make sure the foods you choose won’t sabotage blood glucose levels before the meal.

4.) Make selective food choices. Many traditional Thanksgiving foods are high in carbohydrates so don’t feel like you have to sample everything on the table. Have a reasonable portion of your favorites and pass on the rest. For example, if stuffing is your favorite, pass on rolls.

portion5.) Eat smaller portions. Because high carbohydrate foods are plentiful at most Thanksgiving feasts, watch your portion sizes. If you can’t decide on one or two carbohydrate foods to eat, take very small portions or “samples” of several dishes. Overall, try to keep your total carbohydrate intake like a regular day.

6.) Eat your vegetables. Vegetables are important for everyone! Non-starchy veggies are low in carbs and calories and are particularly nutritious. They will help fill you up and keep you from overeating other high-calorie and high-fat foods on the table.

(these tips were taken from the American Diabetes Association article)

There are also ways to revise your dishes to fit a diet that is healthy for someone with diabetes. Check out these recipes from Diabetic Gourmet Magazine 

The bottom line is that even with dietary restrictions, everyone can still enjoy the holidays just the same. It shouldn’t be a stressful, worrisome time, but rather a time to relax and enjoy good food, and more importantly good company.

All of us at Falmouth Dental Arts would like to extend our warmest wishes to you and your family as we begin this holiday season! Happy Thanksgiving!

Have your candy and eat it too! 5 tips to counteract candy consumption

Happy-HalloweenWe all know what it’s like to be a kid on Halloween. From the excitement of getting dressed up to the fun of touring the neighborhood for candy, Halloween is, for some, the event of the fall. We in the dental care industry often get the reputation of being the Scrooges of the Halloween season, but instead of telling you not to eat candy (we know you’ve heard it before) we wanted to provide you with a few ways to offset the issues that can come with eating candy:


1.) Moderation

The easiest way to avoid over-indulging on Halloween is to limit how much candy your kids eat. Whether you have them carry a smaller container or simply set a number of pieces allowed, moderation is vital to stopping cavities (and tummy-aches).

2.) Brush

Have your children brush their teeth shortly after they finish eating their candy. The less time sugar has to get to work on their teeth, the better.

3.) Floss

Going hand-in-hand with brushing after eating is, of course, is flossing. All those sweets will be squeezing its way in between teeth and getting in those spots that are difficult to brush, so flossing is essential in stopping sugar from settling in overnight.

4.) Eat before going out

Having dinner right before trick-or-treating can help cut down on snacking during the walk, which will allow you to keep better track of what your kids eat afterward.

5.) Avoid sticky, gooey candies

You know the kinds: Laffy Taffy, Starbursts, Skittles, etc. These types of candies are often loaded with sugar and are much harder to brush and floss away.


By following these easy tips, you can help your kids avoid cavities, tooth decay, and more. We hope you and your children to have a fun and safe Halloween!

Pumpkins: Half Decoration, Half Superfood

Health benefits of pumpkins

Pumpkins have many health benefits, especially for your mouth and oral hygiene!

It’s hard to think of fall without imagining the colorful foliage, ripe apples, and the all-star autumn symbol—the pumpkin. From jack-o’-lanterns in October to pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, pumpkins are ubiquitous in our fall traditions. They adorn our doorsteps and are even spicing up our breads, beers, and lattes. What many people don’t know, though, are the healthful benefits that pumpkins can provide.

Pumpkin is a fantastic source of Vitamin A, with one serving (one cup mashed) providing 245% of your daily value and 19% of your daily Vitamin C. Vitamin A is a bone strength booster that will fortify your teeth and Vitamin C strengthens connective tissues like your gums, providing an effective one-two punch for your oral health.

The benefits of eating pumpkins don’t stop there. Just a quarter-cup of pumpkin seeds will get you almost half the daily value of magnesium, which benefits your blood pressure, aids in proper bone and tooth formation, and assists in a host of other physiological functions. An ounce of seeds will provide you with 2mg of zinc, which helps with your mood, sleep, immunity, eye and skin health, and more. Americans are generally deficient in both of these minerals, but eating pumpkin seeds will help get you back on track!

Pumpkin puree and pumpkin seeds are rich in plant-based omega-3 fats, antioxidants, fiber, iron, and calcium. It can be very easy to work pumpkin into your diet, especially in the fall when they’re in high stock. To get the most out of pumpkin seeds, they should be eaten raw (and preferably sprouted). For an idea on how to utilize pumpkin puree, check out this super healthy Pumpkin Pie Parfait recipe.

Click Here to buy your Dancing with the Dentists tickets now!

Just as anticipated, ticket sales got off to a hot start! Excitement is building to see all the dancing dentists competing for a great cause. We are in the process of updating our website, but we want to make sure to avoid confusion regarding ticket sales. So you can purchase tickets right here by clicking the big BUY TICKETS button!!


Dancing with the Dentists Update

DwD logo no textWe have introduced you to three of the four dancing dentist couples and the fourth and final couple will be announced next week! They are now in their third week of rehearsal and we are shocked by the progress and enthusiasm of everyone involved. The friendly competition is building and you can tell everyone really wants to win! But the real goal here is to raise money for a needy and worthy cause. We have had many outstanding companies join forces with us to sponsor the event as well. Their generosity is overwhelming. Sponsorship opportunities are still open and available! So please, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please email us at dancingwiththedentists@gmail.com. For real time updates, photos and videos of rehearsal, and more, Like Us on Facebook!!

We simply can not wait to come together for this night that is sure to be filled with plenty of entertainment, excitement, and fun for all.

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