Feb 10, 2021
Have you heard? February is Gum Disease Awareness Month. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, may be a familiar term for you, while for others it may sound a bit scary. An infection of the tissue and bones that support your teeth, gum disease impacts nearly 85% of adults in the U.S. The good news is that it is quite treatable, especially when caught early. Preventative care can be as simple as choosing the right toothbrush, brushing twice and flossing once daily, monitoring sugar intake, and keeping up with regular dental check ups. Left unchecked, however, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other health complications. If you are experiencing bleeding when brushing or flossing, it’s crucial that you mention that to Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos. They will have a treatment plan for you to take care of your gums while you take care of your teeth. And while we are on the topic, when was the last time you truly appreciated your gums? Since February is also when another holiday takes place…perhaps you’ve heard of this one…Valentine’s Day? We decided it was time to share the love with your gums!

Dear Gums,
It hurts to chew and my breath stinks!
Why do I ignore you when I’m not at the sink?
I vow that I will brush and floss every day.
Oh gums, please do not take my teeth away!
I love you!
Dear Gums,
The red I see, it must mean true love.
Oh dear, I think it is actually blood. 
I must call Dr. K and Dr. B at FDA, quick!
With their compassionate care, they will know just the trick.
Phew! Thank goodness, I still have a chance,
to treat you right, gums, and continue this dance.
Thank you, Gums!
Dear Gums,
Diabetes and heart disease…oh my!
I didn’t know you were with those guys.
When I neglect you, I see it impacts my health.
Not just my teeth, but my whole body’s wealth.
I promise to be tender, I promise to be true. 
I’ll eat more apples, I do love to chew.
I quit smoking, and now I know what to drink:
Water! To hydrate and to help me think.
Being healthy, that’s what I’m all about.
Oral care, it’s about more than just my mouth.
Gums, let’s go steady!
This February, show your gums the love they deserve! Keep up with your oral health care routine of brushing twice a day and flossing daily, and come see us for your regular check ups. Our line is always open for questions, concerns, or to schedule an appointment – 207.781.5900. Our mission is to give you the best dental care possible so your beautiful teeth and gums shine! Because we love to make you smile! XOXO 🙂
Images courtesy of 123RF.com, virtualvocations.com, webmd.com
Feb 9, 2021
It’s that time of year again…National Children’s Dental Health Month! We love this month-long health observance because it is all about promoting the benefits of good oral health to kids! Our team of caring healthcare professionals is here to help you get your kids set up with some healthy habits this month and every month…it can be as easy as ABC! Here are our top 3 tips:
A is for Apple!
Help your kids make good choices when snacking; it will not only help keep their bodies healthy but their mouths too! For example, people don’t call apples nature’s toothbrush for nothing! These tasty treats can stimulate your gums, reduce cavity-causing bacteria and increase saliva flow. Plus, perhaps you’ve heard us say it before…eating a nutritious diet is a vital part of oral health! Stock up your pantry with things like apples, carrots, almonds, yogurt, and cheese…these snacks are full of mouth-happy nutrients and fiber.
B is for Brushing Tips!
Parents often have a lot of questions about how to get started with an oral health care routine. You can start gently brushing your child’s teeth when they first appear with a soft-bristled brush and a rice-grain sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Once your child is over the age of 3, you can use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. There are lots of silly toothbrush choices and fun-flavored toothpastes you kids can incorporate into their oral care. Let them pick a brush that excites them! And don’t forget to floss! Once your child has teeth next to each other, it’s time to floss between them. As with brushing, be gentle as you introduce floss into the routine.
You are their best teacher and best example. Show your kids how you brush and floss each day and it will surely inspire them. Whenever you have questions or concerns, please call us! Our hygienists love to educate kids and help them set up their oral health care routines!
C is for Creativity!
There are lots of ways to make brushing twice a day fun for your kids, so get creative! Throw a bathroom dance party! Play some fun tunes about brushing teeth! Pretend your child is a dinosaur or a hippopotamus with a lot of teeth to brush! Or perhaps your child is an ice queen and she needs to “freeze” each tooth with her magic wand (aka toothbrush)! Or just put on some sunglasses and get brushing because everyone looks cool when they wear sunglasses. The possibilities are truly endless. When you flex your creative muscles and make oral care fun rather than just a dreaded chore, you’re helping your kids set up healthy habits for life.
If you have questions about your child’s oral health or need to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 207.781.5900. Happy, healthy smiles are for everyone at every age!
Image courtesy of fand19 on vectorstock.com
Jan 20, 2021
As we begin a new year, one cannot help but think about the future. What lies ahead? How will things change? How will our lives improve? When it comes to oral health care, there are a lot of interesting developments in the works and on the horizon. To gain a better understanding of what the future may hold for dentistry, we spoke with Dr. Brunacini.
1.When you think of the future of dentistry, what is most inspiring to you?

Itero Element 2 Digital Scanner
Dr. Brunacin: The digital workflow in dentistry will be a significant gamechanger. By using a digital scanner (pictured, right) instead of traditional impressions, we can achieve better fitting crowns and dentures in a much more efficient and comfortable manner. Digital scanners are a wand-like device that allow us to capture a 3D image of a patient’s mouth.
We can now begin planning oral rehabilitations digitally before performing any surgeries as well. This helps us better anticipate any challenges that may arise and creates improved predictability, which also helps us achieve one of our top priorities: a much better patient experience!
Also, replacing teeth with dental implants will continue to increase in prevalence because they combine both great esthetics and function for the patient. There are so many advances to look forward to in dentistry!
2. Have there been any takeaways from the COVID-19 pandemic that you think will impact the future of oral health care?
Dr. Brunacini: During the pandemic, I’ve been struck by the power that stress has on our bodies. The increase in stress and anxiety that we all feel has correlated to a significant increase in TMJ symptoms and broken teeth. Of course, we need to treat teeth with cavities due to decay, but broken teeth due to bruxism (grinding/clenching) is new to a lot of people and really can do significant damage to the teeth and gums over time. As we’ve discussed before, it will continue to be important for patients to consider their whole body health as part of their oral health. It’s all connected…when you’re stressed, it shows in your mouth.
3. Integrative Dentistry is an important part of the oral health care philosophy at FDA. How do you see that evolving in the years to come?
Dr. Brunacini: Integrative Dentistry is a care philosophy that views the oral cavity – mouth, teeth, and gums – as another system in the human body that requires a whole body approach when thinking about care. I’m looking forward to the continued increase in collaboration between medicine and dental care. For so many years, dental care has always been separate from the medical model. Over time, I expect more connections between oral health and overall health to increase, which will create more motivation for both the patient and provider to improve oral health.
4. Technology is advancing all the time. What are some of the exciting technological advances taking place in oral health care?
Dr. Brunacini: As I’ve mentioned before, the digital workflow using digital scanners and 3-D printers will continue to improve in quality; therefore, it will soon become the preferred way to fabricate crowns and dentures. This will create a more efficient and more effective treatment for the patient, which is really sensational!
5. What’s one thing patients can do to improve the future of their oral health?
Dr. Brunacini: Proper homecare and diet continue to be the best way to improve oral health. I tell patients repeatedly that the best dentistry is no dentistry. If a patient can maintain proper oral hygiene plus a healthy diet to minimize decay risk, then a majority of dental problems can be prevented. So keep brushing, flossing, and eating healthy!
Thank you, Dr. Brunacini!
Your teeth have a lot to look forward to in the future! As Dr. Brunacini recommends, keep those teeth healthy and happy by following a proper home care regimen: brush twice-a-day, floss daily, and come in for your regular check ups! And don’t forget to eat well and find ways to reduce stress in your life, too. If you have any questions about your oral health care, or need to schedule an appointment, call us today at 207.781.5900.
*Scanner image courtesy of www.itero.com
Nov 20, 2018
You are what you eat. This is particularly true for your teeth: when your diet is less than ideal so is the health of your mouth. As we enter this holiday season and have loads of goodies to feast upon, we wanted to share a list of foods and drinks that can benefit your teeth. Here are our top 5 foods and drinks to work into your diet in between all those candied yams and yummy pies.
- Apples
This fruit is a great snack and packed full of fiber. Fiber helps your mouth produce saliva, which helps rinse away cavity-causing bacteria. Also, the crisp texture of apples can stimulate your gums. Grab some apples to snack on while you bake that pumpkin pie!
- Green Tea
Green tea is full of health benefits and rich with catechins, a type of antioxidant, and polyphenols, a bacteria-fighting substance. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that people who consumed a cup of green tea each day saw a decrease in periodontal disease symptoms. Make yourself a cup of green tea when you wake up early to pop the turkey in the oven!
- Cheese
Do we need another reason to eat more cheese? Consuming calcium-rich dairy products is vital for maintaining good bone health and tooth enamel. Cheese also has an additional bonus–a study in the journal General Dentistry found that eating cheese raises the pH level in people’s mouths and thus lowered their risk of tooth decay. Plan a cheese courses after your holiday feast for the win!
- Almonds
These healthy nuts are a great source of protein, calcium, and other minerals, all of which are important for your overall well-being. They are low in sugar and carbohydrates so they don’t create a cavity haven in your mouth after you snack on them. Also, chewing nuts promotes saliva production in your mouth which lowers the risk for tooth decay. Add a handful of almonds to your salad for a wholesome crunch!
- Water
Water is the best beverage you can drink for your oral health. Drinking water after meals helps rinse your mouth of bacteria and neutralize the acidity in the mouth caused by foods to help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Drink up!
As we enter the holiday season and the end of the year, we are here to support you and your family in receiving the best oral care possible. We are truly grateful for your business! Remember to call us at 207.781.5900 to schedule your next appointment to keep your mouth happy and healthy.
Image courtesy of http://blog.hellofresh.com