The Nitty Gritty on Floss

Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth. And like toothbrushes, there are different types of floss. Which is the right floss for you? We’re going to break down the differences between types of flosses and give some tips on how best to use this important...

Dental-themed Holiday Gift Ideas

Gift giving during the holiday season may feel like a stressful endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be. For those of you who don’t want to buy the usual surplus of toys and electronics (“They’re only going to use it for 6 months!”), the idea of dental-themed gifts may...

Oral Care During the Holidays

Following routine oral care responsibilities during the holiday season can prove to be challenging. This is the time of year when sugary, delicious sweets are a staple at every holiday party and gathering you attend. It’s a time of tasty meals and sweet drinks. The...

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Teeth this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday centered on giving thanks. There are so many things to be grateful for, but have you ever thought of being thankful for your teeth? It may sound like a silly idea, but oral health is a big part of our overall health. Our mouths and throats...

The Great American Smokeout and Oral Health

November marks the American Cancer Society’s annual Great American Smokeout event. Each year, the third Thursday of November is designated as the challenge day for smokers to try to quit smoking and using tobacco for good. In support of this nationwide campaign, many...

To Floss or Not to Floss – This is NOT the Question!

You may have seen the big headlines recently about flossing not being what it is cracked up to be. The Food and Drug Administration, along with the entire dental industry, has been promoting flossing as an important part of your oral health regimen since 1979....

4 Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Halloween

We all know how packed candies are with sugars, but during Halloween the temptation for sweet treats is too great to resist. A few pieces here and there are fine to eat in moderation, but too many candies will load devilish sugars on our teeth and eat away at our...

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Many of us are familiar with ozone, the triple bonded oxygen molecule, because of the role it plays in our atmosphere. When used in dentistry, ozone therapy can have amazing oral health benefits and it is one of a handful of holistic options we offer at Falmouth...

Dental Insurance: The Ins and Outs

Our goal is to provide you with high quality patient care in a team building relationship while delivering the best oral health care possible to our patients. Since dental insurance is offered in a variety of packages, we thought you might benefit from answers to...