November 14 – World Diabetes Day
November 14th is World Diabetes Day. Diabetics produce less saliva, which plays an important part in keeping your mouth healthy. For this and other reasons, people with diabetes are especially vulnerable to gum disease, including painful gum infections. If you have...
Smile-Friendly Foods at the First Thanksgiving
Colonial America was a tough time for teeth. Dentistry hadn’t yet formed into a medical discipline and the causes of tooth decay were still a mystery. Many Puritans began losing teeth at a young age. Fortunately for the self-conscious, smiling wasn’t exactly...
Orthodontics Month
What’s scarier than having a child who needs braces? If you think the orthodontist’s bill will be scarier than a Stephen King novel, think again. Most orthodontists will work with you to create a manageable payment plan. It’s actually much more expensive to forgo...
Tricky Treats: The Worst Candies for Your Teeth
1. Chewy Candies Examples: Now & Laters, Mary Janes, Bit’O’Honeys Chewy candies are number one on this list for a reason. Serious bite pressure is needed to break up chewy candies into manageable bites. That itself can damage your teeth. Once in your mouth, chewy...
Tooth Whitening and Tooth Brushing are not the same
Brushing your teeth serves a variety of important functions. It clears away plaque that can build up and lead to tooth decay. It keeps your gums healthy and lowers your chance of developing gingivitis. It may even reduce your risk of developing dementia. However, it...
9/11 Rememberance
Today marks the fourteenth anniversary of the 9/11 Terror Attacks. Falmouth Dental Arts would like to take a moment to remember those who lost their lives that day. They count among their number 2,507 civilians, 343 firefighters, 72 law enforcement officers, and 55...
Focal Points of the Human Body During First Impressions
Within seconds of meeting someone, they’ve already subconsciously sized you up in numerous ways. How can you make sure your first impression is a good one? There are three key places that someone observes when formulating a first impression, whether they know it or...
National Smile Week
National Smile Week is August 9-15. Throughout the country, Smile Week is an opportunity to spread awareness about oral health through dental outreach clinics, information sessions, and more. Take this occasion as an opportunity to start preserving your smile for...
What you’re missing if you skip a healthy breakfast
The benefits of breakfast are plentiful. The most important meal of the day supports weight loss, reduces the risk of heart attack, and improves concentration. Still, many people skip breakfast, especially during the summer. Generally, hot weather suppresses the...