How pool chemicals can damage your teeth

An occasional dip in the pool to cool off, or even spending a random day poolside isn't something to be concerned about. But if you spend six or more hours per week in the pool for any consistent period of time, you could develop “swimmer’s calculus.” That’s not a...

National Corn on the Cob Day

Corn on the cob is an essential part of summer and no barbecue could be complete without it. Unfortunately, it’s also a main offender when it comes to food stuck between your teeth. While corn on the cob makes it obvious that food particles are trapped in the gaps...

How can gardening help improve your health?

National Gardening Exercise Day is June 6th. Use this occasion to get out there and work on your garden. If you don’t have a garden, start one from scratch! Studies have shown that gardening can contribute to mental well being. It also can have a positive effect on...

How can fishing in Maine can help your teeth?

It's summer in Maine and a favorite pastime is fishing in our incredible lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, and oceans. If you think about it, fishing can even have an impact on your teeth if you eat what you catch (side note: be sure to follow the Maine state regulations...

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World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated every year on the birthday of the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization combats disease and illness worldwide and is credited with eradicating smallpox. World Health Day is designed as an occasion to reflect on serious...

Springtime stress and TMJ

Spring may be a joyous time, but for many it can bring stress in the form of school exams, job hunts, and home renovations. Like it or not, some stress is a normal part of life. However, excessive stress negatively affects every area of your health. When it comes to...

National Dentists’ Day

National Dentists Day is a day devoted to giving dentists a pat on the back for all the work they do. But here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we’d rather shine the spotlight on who matters most to us – you. Patients like you are the reason we are in dentistry. The best...

President’s Day Investigation – George Washington Had Wooden Teeth?

George Washington was plagued by dental disease almost his entire life. His adult teeth began falling out in his early 20’s. Others had to be extracted due to advanced decay. By the time he became president only one remained. Because of this, Washington frequently...