52% of people do not like their smile.

That is a pretty high statistic if you ask us. Especially because you have some control over that. Over our many years practicing dentistry, we have found that most people visit us for any one of these three distinct reasons.   Fear – some people are just plain...

National Smile Week: August 10-16th

National Smile Week is the second week of August! In many different ways, wearing a smile can be a lot more beneficial to you than you may think. To prove our point, and in honor of National Smile Week, we compiled a list of 10 reasons smiling is good for you. Smiling...

Top Fears in the Dentist’s Chair

Do you dread the dentist? Millions of people have a dental-related fear that prevents them from receiving the care they need. In some cases, the fear can be so strong that it prevents them from even getting through the office door! Often times, these fears are...

Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Clean at the BBQ

Barbecued meats aren’t exactly known for being the tidiest foods to eat. From getting sauces on your fingers and clothes to getting food stuck in your teeth, chowing down at a barbecue can be a messy endeavor. Getting your hands a little dirty might be part of the BBQ...

8 Common Brushing Mistakes that are Harming Your Teeth

Brushing has become such a staple in our everyday routine, that it has become easy for us to take it for granted. In our morning rush to get ready for school and work, we often speed through brushing in an attempt to make up some lost time. Of course, this is the last...

HPV and Oral Cancer

In observation of Oral Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to provide you with some information about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and oral cancer and the links between the two. There are more than 40 types of HPV that can affect the mouth and throat areas, most of...

Watch these new Dancing with the Dentists videos!

The fellas at No Umbrella Media in Portland did an amazing job with all the photography and video shoots for the Dancing with the Dentists event back in November. They recently finished the videos containing footage of the actual event and we would like to share them...

National Women’s Heart Health Day

On February 7th our office wore red in honor of National Women’s Heart Health Day. Heart problems – like heart attack and stroke – are the number one cause of death of women around the globe. We have participated in the movement for 2 consecutive years now and we plan...