Smile, It’s the New Year!  8 Dental Health Resolutions for 2022

Smile, It’s the New Year! 8 Dental Health Resolutions for 2022

The new year brings an excellent opportunity to update your health and wellness habits. At Falmouth Dental Arts we often talk about how part of your overall wellness is good oral health, so this year, why not commit to having the healthiest smile possible, starting...

5 Oral Health Tips for Expectant Mothers

5 Oral Health Tips for Expectant Mothers

Congratulations, you’ve found out that you’re expecting! Caring for your teeth and gums is an essential part of your prenatal care plan. Our compassionate team of dental professionals is here to support you and your oral health throughout your pregnancy. We want to...

The 12 Days of Dental Health

The 12 Days of Dental Health

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, which likely means that we will soon be treating ourselves to some festive food and drinks! That’s why the holiday season is a great time for us to take extra good care of our teeth. To keep your mouth merry and bright this...

‘Tis the Season to be Grateful

‘Tis the Season to be Grateful

It is hard to believe it’s already November, yet we still have so much to look forward to! Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and gratitude. We at Falmouth Dental Arts have so many reasons to be thankful this year and we wanted to share some of them with you…...

What Kind of Toothpaste Does a Vampire Buy? Happy Halloween from FDA!

What Kind of Toothpaste Does a Vampire Buy? Happy Halloween from FDA!

Are you excited for Halloween?  We are, too!  From the amazing costumes to the spooky decorations - it’s one seriously fun holiday!  In the spirit of the season, we thought we’d share some silly Halloween jokes with you this year...because we love to see you smile!...

Celebrating National Dental Hygiene Month: Tips From Our Team!

Celebrating National Dental Hygiene Month: Tips From Our Team!

October is National Dental Hygiene Month and we are lucky to have such an incredible team of hygienists to honor at FDA!  Ashley, Diann, Kelly, Jean, Erin, Alex, and Leigha make up the core of our practice, providing our family of patients with knowledgeable and...

Dental X-Rays: Why Are They Important? An Interview with Dr. Karagiorgos

Dental X-Rays: Why Are They Important? An Interview with Dr. Karagiorgos

You brush, you floss, you’ve started scraping your tongue, and you come in for regular check ups.   Perhaps you’ve been wondering why you need to get dental x-rays on top of your excellent oral care routine.  Are dental x-rays really necessary for your oral health? ...