Apr 25, 2011
Recently a famous celebrity doctor (whose last name sounds like a land where Dorothy from Kansas found a great and powerful wizard) recommended a simple at-home whitening formula. The recipe? Coat your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice before brushing.
Does this really work? Well, it certainly may remove some stains. But unfortunately it can also be a recipe for disaster.
Lemon juice is an acid, so even though fruits are generally healthy, large concentrations of the juice can actually wear away enamel, the hard outer layer of your teeth. Once that erodes, not only are teeth quite unattractive – they are incredibly prone to cavities and difficult to repair.
Baking soda is an abrasive material, kind of like sandpaper. So even though in very small amounts it can polish your teeth nicely, use the wrong amount and you may as well be sanding your teeth away!
Our suggestion?
Put the lemon in your tea and use baking soda in the kitchen! When it comes to whitening your teeth, your best bet is to ask a dental professional.
Over-the-counter whitening toothpastes and whitening products from the drug store can do a decent job on lightly stained teeth, especially for those in their late teens and early twenties. But we find that most people who express the desire for whiter teeth need what only a dental office can offer.
There are many different treatments available, from take home systems with custom molded trays to much stronger products that must be supervised by a dentist. At Falmouth Dental Arts, we will be glad to tell you which one is right for you. Or we may even recommend that you keep your teeth as they are!
As far as that TV doctor – we wish him the best and hope he doesn’t grind his teeth away. When it comes to dental advice, please ask a member of the dental profession!
Please remember that at Falmouth Dental Arts, we are here for you! If you have any questions about this or anything else concerning your dental health, please give us a call at 207-781-5900, or visit our website at www.portlandmainedentists.com
Apr 6, 2011
If you, a friend, or a loved one wears dentures that spend much of the time either floating around in the mouth or, even worse, sitting in a glass, then there are many new solutions to this problem. Many people wear their dentures for too many years before they are remade or even relined. Sometimes this is due to the fact they weren’t told to get them checked every year. Sometimes they just can’t afford to keep up with the maintenance. A lot of the time, they just “get used to them” and forget about doing anything further about them.
The American Dental Association recommends that dentures be redone or relined every 3-4 years. The main reason is that the bone supporting the dentures will erode away if they don’t fit correctly, hence they get “loose.” When this happens simple biting becomes a chore and a hopeless feeling of ever being able to bite into an apple again takes place. Many people are fine with this feeling, but many others wish that something could be done about it.
One solution could be as simple as remaking the denture to the eroded ridges. Sometimes this will improve the bite tremendously. Another solution could be to reline the inside of the denture to fit better. Most dentists are capable of doing these procedures which are the least expensive.
To truly have “Tight Dentures” the placement of Mini Dental Implants can be a Godsend. These tiny, FDA approved Titanium implants have revolutionized dentistry and have made thousands of denture wearers able to “bite into that apple.” A Mini Dental Implant, once placed, can anchor an upper or lower denture and keep it from dislodging and “floating” around in the mouth. No need for all that goopy denture adhesive – it becomes a thing of the past. The upper denture can be so well anchored with “Minis” that it can be horseshoe shaped and not have plastic in the roof of the mouth! Most of the time, to do this, several implants have to be placed.
Another great advantage of the Mini Dental Implants is that they are one-third to one-half the cost of conventional implants. And most of the time they only require one visit! Next time we’ll talk about how Mini Implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth.
Here Falmouth Dental Arts we are able to provide this superb service. Let us know if you, a friend or a loved one is interested!
Mar 16, 2011
We’ve all seen Steve Martin’s crazy sadistic dental performance in the movie “Little Shop of Horrors” or heard a friend’s over-inflated version of a bad office visit (usually involving a root canal), but going to the dentist these days really isn’t scary! With all the modern technology and advanced techniques available, a dental visit can be not just painless but actually relaxing! Right? Right!
Like it or not, most of us go to the dentist routinely to keep our teeth and gums healthy because it’s what we’re supposed to do, not because it’s a favorite activity. But did you know that seventy-five percent of the population experience some sort of dental fear and fifteen percent actually avoid going to the dentist altogether due to severe anxiety? Infrequent dental visits or total avoidance can cause severe health problems, even heart disease. This can be a serious problem.
Here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we take this issue very seriously. We want to make each visit to the dentist as comfortable and stress free as possible. that’s why we do everything we can to soothe and relax you from the minute you walk in the door. We have stereo headphones that let you choose your own music on an iPod and drown out the background noise. We have massage pads on our chairs for heat and comfort. Our up-to-date anesthesia techniques make dental treatment incredibly comfortable. The high-tech laser we use for some procedures can make injections and drilling a thing of the past. And, if necessary, we even offer sedation to help you through your visit with less anxiety.
We feel your dental health is so important that we take these extra steps to help you stay as healthy as possible and to make each visit a stress free one. When you leave our office, we are committed to making you smile in every way.
Please give us a call at 207-781-5900 to schedule your next appointment. With your comfort in mind, we will make sure that every visit is a great one!
Mar 8, 2011
Many people dread the feared “needle” when they come to the dentist. Sometimes this actually keeps people from coming to the dentist for years, resulting in even worse problems. Many injections can be given painlessly, especially when a topical anesthetic is rubbed on the gums to numb the effect of the needle puncture. But, even so, there can be some discomfort in the injection site.
Enter the Wand. This is a new computer controlled anesthetic injection system for dentists that pretty much eliminates the feeling of the needle. We, the doctors, practiced giving the injections on each other when we first got the system and were amazed that there literally was no sensation of a needle or pain!
We are always looking for new ways to make the dental experience as comfortable as possible. We and our staff are all big wussies when it comes to having our own dentistry done so we know what it is like to be scared or uncomfortable – because we had these experiences growing up. So the Wand really makes it a lot easier. Oral conscious sedation is also available for those wh really have fear or phobias.
Jan 27, 2011
Most people know that for years dentists have been recommending fluoride as something which helps prevent cavities. It’s in just about every toothpaste, many mouth rinses, over-the-counter and prescription gels – and close to 70% of Americans have it in their drinking water. Practically every dental professional credits fluoride for drastically reducing levels of dental decay over the last few decades.
Fluoride is a mineral that exists naturally in water and soil. About 70 years ago, scientists discovered that people who lived where water supplies naturally had more fluoride also had fewer cavities. Today, most public drinking water supplies are fluoridated, especially in larger cities, and dental professionals applaud its usage.
But can there be too much of a good thing?
A recent government study found that two in five adolescents had some sort of streaking or spotting in their teeth because of too much fluoride, a number that has grown considerably since the 1980s.
For most people these streaks or spots are totally harmless and barely visible to the naked eye, although in severe cases the tooth enamel can actually develop a pit-like surface. So even though fluoride still does a fantastic job in cavity prevention, as with most things in medicine, there are side effects.
The good news is – as a result of this study the federal government has acted very rapidly to change their recommendations for the amount of fluoride in drinking water, making it 0.7 milligrams per liter of water, down from the 50 year standard of up to 1.2 milligrams.
At Falmouth Dental Arts we applaud the government’s quick action! And we still want to help you avoid cavities as much as possible. So keep brushing, flossing and keep your fluoride intake to a minimum – it’s in everything! We will be glad to check your teeth to see if we can find any negative effects from fluoride and look for cavities too! As with any dental condition, the sooner we find it, the easier and less costly it is to treat.
Jan 19, 2011
For anyone who might want whiter teeth we are having a half-off sale – our Winter Whitening Special. Just click on our Facebook icon to get the coupon. Oh, and while you’re there, please “Like” our page if you desire. We’d love to get feedback on the site, too! Thanks to all of you who support us! We have a great time with our patients and always are willing to accept good (and bad) feedback to make things better.