Nov 13, 2019
Do you or a family member have an oral procedure scheduled in the near future? Whether it’s the application of braces on your high-schooler, a root canal for your spouse, or teeth whitening for yourself, many oral procedures require some sort of specialized diet in the hours or days afterwards. The team at Falmouth Dental Arts breaks down the dos and don’ts of post-oral procedure diets, so you can make your grocery list with ease. Let’s break down the best foods to eat after dental surgery.
For surgeries:
- Do enjoy soft, easy-to-chew or no-chew foods!
- Smoothies and shakes (made with your favorite fruits and veggies!)

- Soups (smooth varieties such as tomato, clear broth, or cream soups)
- Oatmeal, mashed potatoes
- Yogurt, ice cream, or pudding
- Applesauce
- Avocado
- Bananas or other very soft fruit (mash it up!)
- Hummus
- Peanut butter
- Soft scrambled eggs
- Tofu
- Don’t eat any spicy, chewy, crunchy, or crusty foods. The list above may look a bit bland, but sticking to it will help speed up your healing process and avoid any post-surgery complications!.
- Keep in Mind: TEMPERATURE! Your mouth is especially sensitive after an oral procedure, so avoid foods or drinks that are too hot or too cold. Allow everything to come to a nice room-temperature before consumption.
For teeth whitening:
- Do stick to the White Diet for 24 Hours!
- Chicken or white fish
- Cauliflower
- White pasta and rice
- White cheeses
- Bananas
- White yogurts
- Clear beverages
- White toothpastes
- Clear mouthwash
- Don’t eat any dark foods or drinks such as red sauces, red meat, chocolate, tea, coffee, or any type of alcohol or fruit juice.
- Keep in Mind: THE STAIN TEST! If a food would leave a mark or stain on a white t-shirt, it would leave a stain on your new pearly whites! Avoid it!

For all procedures:
- Keep in Mind: BALANCED NUTRITION! No matter how limited these lists appear, each one has room for proteins, vegetables, and fruits, as well as healthy carbohydrates and fats. Make sure to build a healthy menu within your guidelines. Your body needs good nutrition to heal quickly and properly. You’ll be back to chewy, crunchy foods in no time!
- Keep in Mind: Consumption of alcohol. Many people wonder if it is safe to consume alcohol after dental surgery. You should wait at least 24 hours before drinking any sort of alcoholic beverage.
Here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we care about your mouth pre-procedure, in-procedure, and post-procedure! If you have specific dietary restrictions, needs, questions, or concerns, just talk to Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos. They will be happy to give their food recommendations, specifically tailored to you and your particular procedure. If you have any questions, or to schedule your appointment, please call our office at 207.781.5900
Dec 11, 2017
When thinking about dental implants, you might assume they’re just like your other teeth. But in the dental world, we treat implants quite differently from your natural teeth, especially in terms of hygiene and care needed. Today we’d like to share with you the differences between natural teeth and implants, and mention a few tools that can help you take better care of your dental implants.
Most implants are made of titanium. This matters because titanium is a uniquely osteophilic material, meaning that it is “bone-loving.” For us, that is important because it means the implant is able to fuse with the bone to which it ultimately attaches, setting up the makeshift “root” of the implant tooth.
Now here’s where implants differ from natural teeth. The gum tissue surrounding implants cannot attach itself to implants as it would to natural teeth. Instead, they attach themselves to the gums by way of an epithelial attachment, aka special cells that attach themselves to the implant, like a microscopic suction pad would. Your teeth have fibers called periodontal ligaments that connect the tooth to the gums surrounding it, but an implant does not.
This difference is the main reason your implant needs special care. Natural teeth and implants both require routine brushing, flossing, and teeth cleanings, but with implants you need to go a step further to ensure the longevity of the implant. As with natural teeth, we want to prevent infection of gums and bones, which means also protecting the implant housed within them.
The bottom line is that plaque must be removed from your implants daily. If plaque isn’t cleaned away daily, you run the risk of developing peri-implantitis, which means that tissues surrounding the implant become infected, resulting in the loss of the delicate gum-bone attachment. If infection spreads to the bone it can be devastating to oral health, possibly progressing to loss of bone or loss of the entire implant.
Rest assured however, there are a number of tools available to keep your implant healthy. Some good tools to supplement our regular cleanings include tiny brushes known as interproximal brushes, as well as implant-specific floss, both of which can be very effective when fitting into the crevices surrounding your implant. There are also small, angled toothbrushes designed to better reach implant surfaces. Water irrigation tools like the Waterpik may also be used to clean implants as well.
Which tools you should use depends on a number of factors, so please give us a call to schedule an appointment for a cleaning and to establish your dental implant’s care regimen with our team!
Aug 11, 2015
Within seconds of meeting someone, they’ve already subconsciously sized you up in numerous ways. How can you make sure your first impression is a good one? There are three key places that someone observes when formulating a first impression, whether they know it or not.
Are you slumped or hunched over? Then you could be projecting an aura of boredom and fatigue. Sitting up straight projects confidence, energy, and indicates you are paying attention. When you know you’re about to meet someone for the first time, make sure you stand or sit up straight. Not only will it make a good impression, your back will thank you too.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is essential for trustworthiness. Ever talk to someone who won’t meet your eyes? It’s not a good feeling. Avoiding eye contact can make you seem shifty, untrustworthy, or cold. When talking to someone, and especially when listening, make friendly eye contact.
You didn’t think we’d leave out smiles did you? People who smile are perceived as kinder and more trustworthy than their closed mouth counterparts. However, smiling can be difficult if your teeth embarrass you. If yellow teeth stand between you and a good first impression, fear no more. Falmouth Dental Arts offers teeth whitening treatments both at-home and in our office. If you have misshapen teeth or unsightly gaps, porcelain veneers could even out your smile. Call us today at 207-781-5900 to set up an appointment.
Mar 4, 2015
National Dentists Day is a day devoted to giving dentists a pat on the back for all the work they do. But here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we’d rather shine the spotlight on who matters most to us – you.
Patients like you are the reason we are in dentistry. The best thing you can do for us is to take care of your smile. Don’t live with a smile that makes you feel self-conscious.
Falmouth Dental Arts offers premier aesthetic services like ultra-thin porcelain veneers and exceptional implants. We also offer a state of the art whitening process. We will work with you to find the best solutions for your unique situation.
If you aren’t happy with your smile don’t wait another day. Call us at (207) 781-5900.
Feb 16, 2015
George Washington was plagued by dental disease almost his entire life. His adult teeth began falling out in his early 20’s. Others had to be extracted due to advanced decay. By the time he became president only one remained.
Because of this, Washington frequently sought out the help of dentists. During the Revolutionary War he became close to Franco-American dentist Jean-Pierre Le Mayeur, who became a lifelong friend. Later, during his presidency, Washington relied on dentist John Greenwood to fashion him several sets of false teeth. However, none were made from wood. One set was made from ivory and held together with gold springs, which is a bit more presidential than a hunk of wood. One pair of Washington’s dentures survives and is on view at his home in Mount Vernon.
George Washington’s story is a good reminder of how far we’ve come in dentistry. Despite the best efforts of Revolutionary Era dentists, Washington still suffered a lifetime of discomfort and regularly took laudanum (an opiate painkiller) to deal with the pain. His poor teeth also hurt his self-esteem and made him reluctant to give speeches.
Although there are many ways you should inspire to be like our nation’s first president, having unsightly teeth is not one of them. At Falmouth Dental Arts we offer dental solutions that fit your specific needs and budget for your complete comfort both physically and financially. Most importantly, we will get your teeth functioning properly and looking beautiful once again. Call today to see how we can improve your smile.
Jan 19, 2015
Many believe that losing their teeth and eventually ending up with dentures is inevitable. Others think they’re “too old” for certain procedures. There are many myths that need to be debunked about our dental health as we age. Here are seven of the most common of them:
1. I’m going to lose my teeth anyway. Why put money into them?
Having a great smile and being able to eat anything you want is an investment, not a cost. Many of us will now live to be over 90 thanks to modern medicine. There are many procedures to save teeth, so you don’t have to be doomed to a future of gumming your food or ill-fitting dentures for 20+ years.
2. I’m too old for orthodontics. My teeth can’t be straightened now.
As we get older, unfortunately our teeth become more crooked and overlapped. Orthodontics work at any age as long as the teeth have good bone support and are in fair shape. Many times, orthodontics are used before cosmetic procedures, so the results can be beautiful.
3. My dentures will never be tight enough.
There have been many advances in helping people with loose dentures. One of the most cost-effective methods is the placement of “mini-implants,” which can attach to the inside of the existing dentures in order to give patients a tighter fit. For those who want to get rid of their dentures completely, there are “implant supported bridges,” where slightly larger implants are placed and a bridge that looks like normal teeth is cemented permanently over them.
4. Teeth whitening is only for the younger crowd.
Teeth whitening works no matter what your age. Done properly, it can make your teeth (and you) look much more youthful. Just be aware that whitening will not work on old fillings or crowns.
5. I’m too old for veneers and crowns.
Some of our favorite patients are those over 70 who have had cosmetic veneers done on their aging and yellowing teeth—it gives them much more confidence in their smiles and can help with self-esteem.
6. Implants won’t work in my mouth so I’m stuck with what I have.
Dental implants are changing so fast that it’s hard for even dentists to keep up with the advances. Just a few years ago, if your jaw couldn’t accommodate implants, your options were limited. Now, there are many procedures that allow us to place implants almost anywhere in the mouth. Biting into an apple is a wonderful thing you can do again with the help of the proper procedures.
7. The health of my teeth and gums doesn’t matter at this age.
Gum disease, or “periodontal disease,” is the number one disease in the world. It’s the leading cause of tooth loss as we age, and it’s entirely preventable! There are now a vast number of studies showing how important healthy gums are to our heart and joints. If you’ve had joint replacements, you know how strict surgeons are about healthy gums before surgery. The mouth is a window to the health of the rest of your body.
It’s never too late for the beautiful smile and functional teeth you’ve been dreaming of for years. With the advances of modern dentistry, your dreams can become a reality.