Sep 20, 2022
Dental Hygiene Products We Recommend to Our Patients
Here at Falmouth Dental Arts, we endorse and recommend a variety of professional products to our patients. “Based on our team’s many years of combined experience, we have developed a list of products we think are particularly effective at supporting our patients’ home dental hygiene routines and keeping their teeth and gums healthy in-between visits,” says Ashley Landry, Clinical Director, and Dental Hygienist at FDA. Here’s more information about the products we think can give an extra oomph to your oral health care!
Mouth Rinse
Oxyfresh is a gentle but powerful mouthwash that uses natural ingredients like mint to help keep your breath fresh all day. Oxyfresh is alcohol and dye-free, naturally sweetened, and made in the USA. It’s specially blended with Zinc and Oxygen®, a proprietary bad-breath fighter, to promote oral health while neutralizing bad breath. We offer Oxyfresh in 3 different versions: a gentle mint-flavored Pro-Formula, non-flavored Gentle Formula, and Cavity Protect with the added benefit of fluoride.

Tooth & Gums Tonic is a natural, professional-strength mouth rinse formulated to reduce oral bacteria and inflammation with pure essential oils. This alcohol-free rinse is blended with essential oils and herbs such as Echinacea and Gotu Kola, known for their anti-inflammatory and breath-freshening properties – a great alternative to other prescription mouth rinses!

MI Paste and MI Paste Plus is uniquely-formulated toothpaste fortified with calcium, fluoride, and phosphate that helps replace beneficial minerals lost from the tooth’s structure. MI Paste helps to prevent decay, sensitivity, tooth erosion, and tooth wear while restoring enamel gloss. A great product for patients who experience dry mouth and hypersensitivity as well as for those receiving orthodontic treatment.

Fluoridex is prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste designed for use at home. It helps to prevent tooth decay and reduce harmful bacteria. Fluoridex is a great addition to your home care routine that helps to strengthen the enamel, reduce tooth sensitivity, and protect your teeth. Used over time, Fluoridex can help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.

Retainer Cleaner
Retainer Brite is a great way to keep your night guard or other removable appliance, such as Invisalign, clean and ready for daily use. The specially-formulated tablets help protect and preserve appliances while also gently cleaning them. They are simple to use and kill up to 99% of common odor-causing bacteria. They also work to eliminate the cloudy film and plaque buildup when used to clean your retainer every day.

Oral B Electric Toothbrushes are designed to give you the best possible tooth cleaning at home. Electric toothbrushes effectively remove plaque while being gentle on your gums. We recommend these electric toothbrushes to our patients for a successful home care routine as they efficiently reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis.

If you are interested in trying one of the products listed above or are wondering which one might be right for you, our team of dental professionals is happy to make a recommendation. Ask us any questions you might have at your next appointment or give us a call at 207.781.5900!
Jan 19, 2015
Many believe that losing their teeth and eventually ending up with dentures is inevitable. Others think they’re “too old” for certain procedures. There are many myths that need to be debunked about our dental health as we age. Here are seven of the most common of them:
1. I’m going to lose my teeth anyway. Why put money into them?
Having a great smile and being able to eat anything you want is an investment, not a cost. Many of us will now live to be over 90 thanks to modern medicine. There are many procedures to save teeth, so you don’t have to be doomed to a future of gumming your food or ill-fitting dentures for 20+ years.
2. I’m too old for orthodontics. My teeth can’t be straightened now.
As we get older, unfortunately our teeth become more crooked and overlapped. Orthodontics work at any age as long as the teeth have good bone support and are in fair shape. Many times, orthodontics are used before cosmetic procedures, so the results can be beautiful.
3. My dentures will never be tight enough.
There have been many advances in helping people with loose dentures. One of the most cost-effective methods is the placement of “mini-implants,” which can attach to the inside of the existing dentures in order to give patients a tighter fit. For those who want to get rid of their dentures completely, there are “implant supported bridges,” where slightly larger implants are placed and a bridge that looks like normal teeth is cemented permanently over them.
4. Teeth whitening is only for the younger crowd.
Teeth whitening works no matter what your age. Done properly, it can make your teeth (and you) look much more youthful. Just be aware that whitening will not work on old fillings or crowns.
5. I’m too old for veneers and crowns.
Some of our favorite patients are those over 70 who have had cosmetic veneers done on their aging and yellowing teeth—it gives them much more confidence in their smiles and can help with self-esteem.
6. Implants won’t work in my mouth so I’m stuck with what I have.
Dental implants are changing so fast that it’s hard for even dentists to keep up with the advances. Just a few years ago, if your jaw couldn’t accommodate implants, your options were limited. Now, there are many procedures that allow us to place implants almost anywhere in the mouth. Biting into an apple is a wonderful thing you can do again with the help of the proper procedures.
7. The health of my teeth and gums doesn’t matter at this age.
Gum disease, or “periodontal disease,” is the number one disease in the world. It’s the leading cause of tooth loss as we age, and it’s entirely preventable! There are now a vast number of studies showing how important healthy gums are to our heart and joints. If you’ve had joint replacements, you know how strict surgeons are about healthy gums before surgery. The mouth is a window to the health of the rest of your body.
It’s never too late for the beautiful smile and functional teeth you’ve been dreaming of for years. With the advances of modern dentistry, your dreams can become a reality.
Jan 19, 2015
Teeth and health change over time. Different stages of life have very different and specific issues that may arise. With the help of the ADA, we have comprised a list of 5 concerns that a mature mouth might encounter.
1.) Gum disease. We know you’ve heard this one before, but the older you get the greater risk you are at. Brushing and flossing (the right way like we outlined in our 8 Common Brushing Mistakes article) combined with regular dental visits and periodontal exams is the winning combo to keep you healthy. Gingivitis is bad enough, but it is the reversible stage of gum disease. If your gum disease reaches periodontitis, it is irreversible.
2.) Missing teeth. Did you know that the average adult between the ages of 20-60 has three or more decayed or missing teeth? You may not think this is a big deal, but missing teeth can affect the way you eat and speak. Additionally, the missing tooth leaves an open space in your mouth that may cause your other teeth to move around or shift, and the vacancy in your mouth can also cause bone loss in that area where the tooth is missing. There are a handful of different solutions to solve this problem. Three of the most common are bridges, dentures, and implants. Call or visit us to discuss your options and together we can decide which option is best for you.
3.) Sensitivity. If you are experiencing discomfort when consuming hot and/or cold foods and beverages, then you may have sensitive teeth. This hyper-sensitivity could be caused by a number of things including tooth decay, fractured teeth, worn fillings, gum disease, worn tooth enamel, and/or an exposed tooth root. The good news is that sensitive teeth can be treated. Treatment may be as simple as desensitizing toothpaste, or maybe a more intense treatment is necessary for more extreme cases – treatment oftentimes depends on the cause of the sensitivity.
4.) Dry mouth. Dry mouth can be experienced by anyone, but if your mouth is constantly dry, then it may be time to seek treatment with us. Many things can cause dry mouth – medications, certain health conditions, and alcohol are a few of the more common causes. If you have constant dry mouth, it is important to get it checked because the reduced flow of saliva creates an environment where bacteria can thrive and decay becomes a real problem. Dry mouth itself is not a serious health problem, but making sure you take extra special care of your oral hygiene when/if you experience dry mouth is extremely important to maintaining a healthy mouth.
5.) Oropharyngeal Cancer. This can affect any area of the mouth – lips, gums, cheek lining, tongue, jaw, hard or soft palate, and throat. It can start as an unsuspecting white spot or inflamed area, so make sure to take it seriously if you notice something like this in your mouth. We regularly screen for oral cancers at your check ups because, as with all cancers, early detection is key to rapid recovery, prolonged health, and easier treatment options. Symptoms and warning signs of oral cancer may be, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Sores that bleed easily or do not heal
- A thick/hard spot or a lump
- A roughened or crusted area
- Numbness, pain, or tenderness
- A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite down
- Difficulty chewing, speaking, and/or moving your tongue and jaw
We hope this information is helpful. Don’t neglect your oral health. It is extremely important to stay on top of these concerns so they do not progress as you age and become more difficult to deal with and correct. We are here to help! If you have any questions or concerns call us just to talk, or schedule an appointment.
Click here to take a 5 question (true or false style) quiz about your oral health.
Aug 12, 2014
That is a pretty high statistic if you ask us. Especially because you have some control over that. Over our many years practicing dentistry, we have found that most people visit us for any one of these three distinct reasons.
Fear – some people are just plain petrified of the dentist. It the fearful ones have had some traumatizing experiences in the past, and even if they didn’t, they know how old school dentistry did their work – fill, drill, and bill. That philosophy is a thing of the past, and something we never, ever, ever bought into here at FDA. We know some people have pre-appointment nerves and apprehensions, and we take every single one of those into account no matter how irrational those fears may be. We are here to calm your nerves and fix your teeth!
Personal Image – people want to look good. Of course it is true, and why wouldn’t it be? Your smile is a focal point of your face and people notice it, so it is normal to want a great smile. Whether that means veneers, whitening, tooth replacement, or orthodontics, we can help you get to where you want to go and get you that beautiful, confident smile of your dreams.
Function – some people have such a serious problem that it impacts the way that they are talking and eating. People often wait until they are in serious pain and discomfort before they visit us, and although we are glad to see that they finally come in to fix the problem, waiting around often complicates things further. The sooner you come in, the easier it is to treat the problem, the more treatment options we will likely have, and the faster your recovery will be. So if you’re hurting or uncomfortable, or something just doesn’t feel right in your mouth, then don’t wait around forever, come visit us! Our promise is to solve the problem and lay out a treatment plan together – one that you are completely comfortable with.
We know how to help even the most fearful patients who have the most complicated issues. We talk and formulate a treatment plan together that fits your lifestyle and budget. The most important thing to understand is that we are a team, and we have the same goals that you do to get you your perfect smile.
If you know a person who is so fearful of the dentist that they haven’t been in ages, then please share this blog post with them and tell them about us. We would love to talk with them.
Aug 12, 2014
National Smile Week is the second week of August! In many different ways, wearing a smile can be a lot more beneficial to you than you may think. To prove our point, and in honor of National Smile Week, we compiled a list of 10 reasons smiling is good for you.
- Smiling is attractive. That’s why it is the universal expression when we take pictures – especially selfies 😉 … OK, we are just kidding about the selfies part, but the rest is true! There is an attraction factor in smiling that naturally draws people in. Who doesn’t want to get to know that person with a smile that can light up a room? Be that person!
- It is scientifically proven to be able to change your mood. Next time you are sad or frustrated or upset or angry, turn that frown upside down. The short explanation is that smiling triggers the brain to release certain hormones that make you happier. Give it a try, what’s the worst that can happen?
- Smiling is contagious. You know it is, so don’t you deny it! A smile is as contagious as a yawn. If you are a happy person who smiles naturally and genuinely, then others will gravitate to that and love you for the positive energy you bring to any situation.
- Smiling is a stress reliever. One of the places where stress makes itself most obvious is in our faces. Take a breath and put on a smile next time you are stressed – go to your happy place. If you do, the stress should be reduced enough for you to gather your thoughts and take action.
- Smiling can help keep you healthy. It is thought that smiling relaxes you which allows your immune system to function more efficiently and effectively. A smile a day keeps the doctor away!
- Smiling lowers blood pressure. Try it out if you don’t believe us. Take a blood pressure reading like you regularly would. After you get an accurate reading, smile for a minute, then take another reading (while still smiling if you’d like). What are the results?
- Smiling makes us feel good. Studies have shown that the physical act of smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin – together, this combination makes us feel good.
- Smiling makes you look younger. The muscles we use to smile lift the face which makes a person appear younger. Forget the plastic surgery, just smile!
- Smiling exudes confidence. If you smile often you appear to be a confident person and you are also much more approachable. This can lead to positive recognition by your family, friends, and co-workers.
- Smiling keeps the glass half full. It’s hard not to stay positive with a smile on your face. And if you can put a smile on someone else’s face…well, then that is even better.
Happy National Smile Week! Don’t be shy – be sure to share plenty friendly smiles all week long!
Jan 16, 2014
It wouldn’t be January without New Year’s Resolutions.
It is said that the concept of a New Year’s Resolution dates all the way back to the Babylonians. The custom originated as a gesture involving “moral favors” which were essentially personal promises to be good to others – the purpose was mostly to please God. It eventually evolved into dedicating time to reflect upon the previous year, and to contemplate the year to come. The goal, once again, was to make better use of personal talents to please God, treat people well, and to avoid habitual sins in the future.
Pretty cool stuff, and it seems pretty similar to the New Year’s Resolutions that we make today. We resolve each year to better ourselves in at least one important aspect of life – physical health, mental health, spiritual health, personal finance, family life etc. But if these resolutions are so important, then why do so many people seemingly fail?
It is believed that one of the main reasons is because we are too secretive. We don’t tell others what our resolutions are, and instead we bottle it up and keep it to ourselves. Now, some resolutions can certainly be personal and you might want to keep them to yourself. However, if you share your New Year’s Resolution and make it well known to family and friends, then you are much more likely to stick with it because they will help hold you accountable.
That is where we come in! In 2014 you should make your smile a priority. Whether it is committing to coming in religiously for all of your scheduled regular cleanings, or getting those veneers or that invisilign that you have always wanted to finish off that perfect smile…2014 is your year and we are here to help you every step of the way. Light up a room this year with your brilliant smile.
Call our office to set up an appointment today!