Tooth Whitening and Tooth Brushing are not the same

Brushing your teeth serves a variety of important functions. It clears away plaque that can build up and lead to tooth decay. It keeps your gums healthy and lowers your chance of developing gingivitis. It may even reduce your risk of developing dementia. However, it cannot fully fight off tooth stains. Yellowing of the teeth is common even in the most assiduous brushers.

Stains on the teeth are not necessarily the result of ill health. They are more likely an indication that you enjoy teeth-staining foods and beverages (like coffee). While brushing your teeth can help, it is typically not enough to totally prevent yellowing. This is true even if you use whitening toothpaste.

Fortunately, Falmouth Dental Arts offers treatments that can revitalize your smile. Don’t go another year feeling embarrassed of your yellow teeth. Spend just one hour in our office and you’ll leave with pearly whites. Would you rather whiten in the privacy of your own home? We also offer at-home tooth whitening solutions. Call us today at 207-781-5900.

Focal Points of the Human Body During First Impressions

Within seconds of meeting someone, they’ve already subconsciously sized you up in numerous ways. How can you make sure your first impression is a good one? There are three key places that someone observes when formulating a first impression, whether they know it or not.


Are you slumped or hunched over? Then you could be projecting an aura of boredom and fatigue. Sitting up straight projects confidence, energy, and indicates you are paying attention. When you know you’re about to meet someone for the first time, make sure you stand or sit up straight. Not only will it make a good impression, your back will thank you too.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is essential for trustworthiness. Ever talk to someone who won’t meet your eyes? It’s not a good feeling. Avoiding eye contact can make you seem shifty, untrustworthy, or cold. When talking to someone, and especially when listening, make friendly eye contact.


You didn’t think we’d leave out smiles did you? People who smile are perceived as kinder and more trustworthy than their closed mouth counterparts. However, smiling can be difficult if your teeth embarrass you. If yellow teeth stand between you and a good first impression, fear no more. Falmouth Dental Arts offers teeth whitening treatments both at-home and in our office. If you have misshapen teeth or unsightly gaps, porcelain veneers could even out your smile. Call us today at 207-781-5900 to set up an appointment.

National Smile Week

National Smile Week is August 9-15. Throughout the country, Smile Week is an opportunity to spread awareness about oral health through dental outreach clinics, information sessions, and more. Take this occasion as an opportunity to start preserving your smile for decades to come.

It’s worth it to keep your smile in shape. Smiling naturally improves your mood, heightens your immune system, and releases endorphins.

There are at-home techniques you can use to help your smile stay strong. Avoiding acidic and sugary foods like soda and hard candy can prevent cavities. Brushing and flossing are a must. And you can keep your pearly whites looking pearly white by saying “no” to coffee and red wine.

However, a visit to the dentist is an absolute must do, no matter how careful you are. Much like a car, even the best cared for teeth require a tune up every now and then. Make sure you come into Falmouth Dental Arts every six months for your cleaning. Not only do we clean during your appointment, we spot potential problems before they harm your smile.

What you’re missing if you skip a healthy breakfast

The benefits of breakfast are plentiful. The most important meal of the day supports weight loss, reduces the risk of heart attack, and improves concentration. Still, many people skip breakfast, especially during the summer.

Generally, hot weather suppresses the appetite. People are also busy in the summer – rushing in early to work to enjoy more of the day and rushing to the beach as early as possible. This can lead some to nix breakfast.

However, skipping breakfast inevitably leads to late night snacks. Snacks typically tend to be far less healthy than a breakfast meal. Replacing a healthy breakfast with packaged snacks at night can increase the amount of sugar in your diet. This will increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

This summer make sure you eat a healthy, balanced breakfast. Instead of fixing a snack late at night, prepare your breakfast for the next day. This way you will have something good to eat in the morning without having to cook in a hot kitchen or burn any daylight.

How pool chemicals can damage your teeth

An occasional dip in the pool to cool off, or even spending a random day poolside isn’t something to be concerned about. But if you spend six or more hours per week in the pool for any consistent period of time, you could develop “swimmer’s calculus.” That’s not a summer school math class, but a condition in which yellow stains and discoloration develop on tooth enamel.

Swimmer’s calculus isn’t the only dental condition you can get from your pool. If your pool is not properly maintained, you could be at risk for a number of dental issues including enamel damage and painful sensitivity. A pool that is too acidic can severely and rapidly erode enamel. Commercially available pool pH testers can let you know if your pool is too acidic. Rust on your pool’s ladder is another indication that something is amiss.

The risk of enamel damage, swimmer’s calculus, and other dental conditions can be significantly reduced by proper pool maintenance. This summer make it a priority to check your pool’s chlorine and pH balance regularly.

If you notice any changes in your teeth, staining, or increased sensitivity it is important to come into Falmouth Dental Arts immediately for an assessment. The longer such conditions go untreated the more severe damage will be. Call today at 207-781-5900 to set up an appointment.

National Corn on the Cob Day

Corn on the cob is an essential part of summer and no barbecue could be complete without it. Unfortunately, it’s also a main offender when it comes to food stuck between your teeth.

While corn on the cob makes it obvious that food particles are trapped in the gaps between teeth, no matter what you eat some food will inevitably get trapped. Leftover food particles can build up plaque and lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Fortunately there is a cheap and simple solution that can remove trapped food and preserve oral health – dental floss. Many people don’t like to floss. However, a little work now will save you a lot of time and expense later if gum disease develops.

Many patients shy away from flossing because it causes their gums to bleed. However, if your gums bleed while flossing that is an indication you should floss more, not less. Bleeding gums indicate your gums are infected. Flossing can help dislodge the bacteria causing the infection and prevent serious gum disease from developing.

Of course, flossing can only go so far. Make sure you come into Falmouth Dental Arts for regular cleanings every six months. Give us a call at (207) 781-5900. We can’t wait to see you.