Feb 9, 2015
February 9th is National Toothache Day. Perhaps not coincidentally, February 9th is also when The Hershey Company was incorporated. With Valentine’s Day (and Whitman’s Samplers) just around the corner, now is a good time to remember the importance of oral hygiene.
Poor oral hygiene is the common culprit behind many toothaches. Tooth decay, bacterial infection, periodontitis, abscesses, and gum inflammation can all lead to toothaches.
Catch cavities before they catch you. Our hygienists are trained to spot potential problems before they become painful.
The only way to stop an existing cavity from getting worse is by visiting our dental office. If it’s been a while since you’re last check up now is the time to schedule an appointment.
If you develop a persistent or extremely painful toothache it is imperative you come see us. Without help from a dental professional it is impossible to determine the cause or seriousness of a toothache. It could be an infection that requires immediate attention. Ignoring a severe toothache will only cause the underlying issue to worsen.
If you haven’t yet scheduled your next cleaning, call us today at 207-781-5900.
Aug 12, 2014
National Smile Week is the second week of August! In many different ways, wearing a smile can be a lot more beneficial to you than you may think. To prove our point, and in honor of National Smile Week, we compiled a list of 10 reasons smiling is good for you.
- Smiling is attractive. That’s why it is the universal expression when we take pictures – especially selfies 😉 … OK, we are just kidding about the selfies part, but the rest is true! There is an attraction factor in smiling that naturally draws people in. Who doesn’t want to get to know that person with a smile that can light up a room? Be that person!
- It is scientifically proven to be able to change your mood. Next time you are sad or frustrated or upset or angry, turn that frown upside down. The short explanation is that smiling triggers the brain to release certain hormones that make you happier. Give it a try, what’s the worst that can happen?
- Smiling is contagious. You know it is, so don’t you deny it! A smile is as contagious as a yawn. If you are a happy person who smiles naturally and genuinely, then others will gravitate to that and love you for the positive energy you bring to any situation.
- Smiling is a stress reliever. One of the places where stress makes itself most obvious is in our faces. Take a breath and put on a smile next time you are stressed – go to your happy place. If you do, the stress should be reduced enough for you to gather your thoughts and take action.
- Smiling can help keep you healthy. It is thought that smiling relaxes you which allows your immune system to function more efficiently and effectively. A smile a day keeps the doctor away!
- Smiling lowers blood pressure. Try it out if you don’t believe us. Take a blood pressure reading like you regularly would. After you get an accurate reading, smile for a minute, then take another reading (while still smiling if you’d like). What are the results?
- Smiling makes us feel good. Studies have shown that the physical act of smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin – together, this combination makes us feel good.
- Smiling makes you look younger. The muscles we use to smile lift the face which makes a person appear younger. Forget the plastic surgery, just smile!
- Smiling exudes confidence. If you smile often you appear to be a confident person and you are also much more approachable. This can lead to positive recognition by your family, friends, and co-workers.
- Smiling keeps the glass half full. It’s hard not to stay positive with a smile on your face. And if you can put a smile on someone else’s face…well, then that is even better.
Happy National Smile Week! Don’t be shy – be sure to share plenty friendly smiles all week long!
Source: http://longevity.about.com/od/lifelongbeauty/tp/smiling.htm
May 31, 2014
Brushing has become such a staple in our everyday routine, that it has become easy for us to take it for granted. In our morning rush to get ready for school and work, we often speed through brushing in an attempt to make up some lost time. Of course, this is the last place we should be looking to cut corners. Here are 8 common brushing mistakes that are harming your teeth.
1.) You aren’t brushing long enough. We recommend brushing for 2-3 minutes, but chances are you probably only brush for around a minute on average. Some solutions could be: take a timer into the bathroom and set it for at least 2 minutes, get an electric toothbrush with a built in timer that you can set, or our favorite, listen to or hum your favorite song while you brush!
2.) You’re not paying attention to what you’re doing. You’re brushing alright…but chances are you aren’t looking in the mirror watching what you’re doing. Concentrate a little more on those tough to get places (like the gum line!) by watching yourself in the mirror as you brush those areas. It will help you do a better job.
3.) Your technique needs a MAJOR makeover. Your enamel is strong, but that doesn’t mean it is bulletproof. Brushing in straight lines by only moving front and back can damage enamel over time and be similar to sawing down a tree. Instead, focus on a few teeth at a time and brush in little circles and mix in brushing in all directions (up, down, front back). When you are done brushing in circles, go around your mouth again and brush away from the gum line to clear away the loosened plaque and bacteria from the surface of your teeth.
4.) Take it easy! You’re probably brushing too hard and using a toothbrush that is too tough. There is no need and it is actually harming your teeth. Try gripping your toothbrush between only your thumb and your pointer finger and middle finger as opposed to grasping your brush with your whole hand. This will put less force behind your brushing.
5.) You’re using the wrong toothbrush. Buy a soft or ultra soft toothbrush. Anything else is too tough and will harm your teeth over time. Make sure you replace your toothbrush every 3 months, too – or sooner if the bristles start to wear down.
6.) You’re using the wrong toothpaste. Baking soda toothpastes and other heavy duty cleaning chemical toothpastes are abrasive, which means they not only remove stains, they also potentially damaging your enamel if used over a long period of time. Use anything ADA approved – here is a list for you to choose from http://www.ada.org/en/science-research/ada-seal-of-acceptance/ada-seal-products/product-category/?supercategory=2
7.) You aren’t flossing. There isn’t a toothbrush available that can reach all the spaces in between your teeth. Just not going to happen. That is where flossing comes in. It is necessary. If using floss is difficult for you, then purchase the flosser sticks that are easy to use and maneuver in your mouth. Between the teeth is where bacteria most often forms and can eventually lead to tooth decay if not dealt with. So deal with it. Tip: try flossing in front of the TV to make it seem like less of a pain or hassle.
8.) You aren’t rinsing after brushing. Brush, floss, rinse. Brushing and flossing (when done right) loosen up the bacteria in your mouth and on your teeth. Rinsing afterwards with an alcohol-free mouthwash will wash the bacteria and plaque away. If you don’t have mouthwash, rinsing with water is better than nothing.
Source: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/8-bad-brushing-habits-harm-your-teeth
Feb 27, 2014
On February 7th our office wore red in honor of National Women’s Heart Health Day. Heart problems – like heart attack and stroke – are the number one cause of death of women around the globe. We have participated in the movement for 2 consecutive years now and we plan to continue doing so to continue to spread awareness in hopes to save just one life. This blog post is dedicated to educate you on ways that you can “Know Your Risk” to keep yourself and other women in your life safe, as well ways in which you can join the movement. Please enjoy and know that together we can make a difference.
First order of business is for you to “Know Your Risk.” You may not even know that you are at risk for heart attack, stroke, or other heart conditions. That is a large part of what makes this so scary. Family history, eating habits, and sleep patterns are a few of the key factors that could raise a woman’s risk of heart disease. Knowing what puts you at risk and being proactive by fighting those risks could save your life!
So you may be asking… “What are the risks?”
As we mentioned before, family history, eating habits, and sleep patterns are a few, but it doesn’t end there. Weight, body mass index, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high glucose levels in your blood are all things that put you at risk for heart disease.
Now that you know what the risks are, you may be asking, “How and when should I test for those things?”
Here are some guidelines from the American Heart Association that will help you answer those questions.
- Blood pressure – every regular health care visit starting at age 20
- Cholesterol – every five years starting at age 20. More often if: total cholesterol is above 200; if you are a man older than 45 or a woman older than 50; if you’re a woman whose HDL is less than 50 or a man whose HDL is less than 40; if you have other cardiovascular risk factors
- Weight/body mass index – every health care visit starting at age 20
- Waist circumference – as needed starting at age 20
- Blood glucose – every three years starting at age 45
You can start right now by assessing yourself by clicking this link to start your health checkup: https://www.goredforwomen.org/know-your-risk/find-out-your-risk/heart-checkup/