Trick or Trivia! Bizarre and Spooky Dental Facts

Vampires and jack-o-lanterns and ghosts…oh my!  Halloween is upon us and that means candy and costumes.  While it’s always a good time to think about your dental health, Halloween is also a good time for dental trivia!  Why? Because we love these scary and fun facts more than all those sweet treats that get stuck in your teeth and cause cavities.  We decided to ask around the office for everyone’s favorite dental trivia to see if we can trick you this Halloween!

What is the hardest substance in the human body?
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.  Wow!

How much of your life is devoted to brushing your teeth?
The average American spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth over the course of their lifetime.  Compare that to an average of  9,125 days spent sleeping and 188 days in the shower.

What’s the scariest Halloween candy?
Sour candy–it  has the same pH as battery acid.  Yikes!

Do we really eat that much candy at Halloween?
Yes!  A typical child’s bag of Halloween candy has 11,000 calories.  Also, if you laid out all the candy corn that’s sold each year, it would wrap around the earth 4.25 times.  That’s a lot of candy!

What does a vampire fear most?
Tooth decay!  Ok, so that was a joke, but did you know that people get vampire teeth implants?  Sorry, we do not offer this service at FDA.

Did we trick you?  We hope you have fun this Halloween!  Remember, to give your teeth a real treat this holiday and everyday by following these tips:

  • Avoid hard and sticky candies that linger in your mouth.  The longer sugar stays in your mouth, the more your teeth are at risk of tooth decay.
  • Eat candy shortly after meals when your mouth is already producing saliva.  This helps rinse out the sugars and bacteria.
  • Brush & floss your teeth twice a day.
  • Come in for regular check-ups!  Call us at 207.781.5900.

Happy Halloween from all of us at Falmouth Dental Arts!  

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