Why The Heck Do You Need To Know That?

When you come in for your dental visit, you may notice that we do a lot more than examine your teeth and gums.

One of the most importan parts of your visit is when we ask you questions about your general health.  But many people have said to us:

“What does that have to do with my dental checkup?”

The answer – a lot!

More and more research is being published linking dental health to overall health, and at Falmouth Dental Arts we are concerned about both!

Did you know that diabetes, especially when it is undiagnosed, can be a huge factor in gum disease, eventually causing tooth loss?

A recent study by Columbia University concluded:

“Gum disease is an early complication of diabetes.”  It continues: “Since 70% of adults see a dentist at least once a year this is a perfect opportunity to screen for diabetes and other diseases.”

According to a recent article in The British Dental Journal, it works the other way around, too, as gum disease can be a contributing factor in heart disease, oral cancer and other illnesses.

Are you taking any medications, either prescription or over-the-counter?  Many of these can lead to dry mouth, gum inflammation, and other dental problems.

And it’s even more complicated for women, as hormonal changes, pregnancy, and oral contraceptives can cause many changes in dental health. (Isn’t everything more complicated for women!?)

So the good news is, unlike a visit to your physician – you get to keep your clothes on and won’t be poked and prodded anywhere other than your mouth!  But as you can see, it is extremely important that we know about your total physical health and any medications you are taking.  Not only can we save your teeth – we may actually save your life!

If you want to know more about your dental health and how it relates to your overall health, please let us know.  If you have any questions or want to schedule your next appointment, just give us a call at 781-5900.  We are here for you!

Introducing Dr. Brian Brunacini!

Dr. Brian Brunacini

We are excited to announce that Dr. Brian Brunacini will be joining our practice in July!

Dr. Brunacini graduated from The Ohio State University in 2009. Since graduation, he has worked as an associate in Rockport, Maine. He is interested in sedation dentistry as well as the surgical aspects of dentistry, such as dental implants.

He is a member of the American Dental Association and the Maine State Dental Association. He stays busy taking numerous continuing education classes, such as classes at the Frank Spear Institute.

Dr. Brunacini enjoys working as a team in order to be able to provide the most comfortable and satisfying appointment possible. It is very important to be sure the patient is being listened to in order to fully be satisfied with the dental treatment. He looks forward to joining the team at Falmouth Dental Arts, and continue the consistent and excellent dentistry for the patients.

He is an avid sports and music fan. He has been married to his wife, Jenny, since 2009, and they both look forward to becoming part of the community here at Falmouth Dental Arts.

Tooth Vacation Checklist!

Your Teeth Deserve A Vacation!

The suitcases are packed, the car is loaded, the dog is at the kennel – and it’s time for summer vacation!! There is no better time for relaxing at the beach, exploring a fascinating city, or enjoying the outdoors. Being miles away from home always makes it less stressful and more fun too!
But being miles away from home means that you are also far from us – your favorite dental office! And while there is no way to prevent a dental emergency from happening while you are away from home, there are a few items you can bring on vacation to make things more pleasant should an emergency situation emergency arise. You can even throw them together into a cosmetics bag and make your own “Dental Emergency Kit!”
Here are some items to include:

Pain relief: Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil or generic) is usually safe and effective to use for minor dental discomfort.

Lost filling or crown: “Dentemp One Step Filling Material” is a good temporary solution for replacing a crown (cap) or protecting an area exposed by a lost filling. This is available at most drug stores and on the internet.
Broken denture: “The D.O.C. Denture Repair Kit” works as a short term measure to adhere a lost denture tooth or repair a cracked denture. Also available at drug stores and online.

Lost tooth: Carry a prescription medicine vial. Should an accident occur and an adult tooth is lost with the root intact – DO NOT clean or handle the root. Place it in the medicine vial along with some liquid (preferably milk) and seek dental attention immediately.

Food or other item stuck between teeth: This can be a very uncomfortable situation, so be sure to have dental floss on hand to remove any item stuck between the teeth. Hey – you should be carrying dental floss anyway!!

Cuts on gums, lips or tongue: Clean gauze or cloth. As with bleeding anywhere on the body, pressure with a clean gauze or cloth is the first line of treatment. If bleeding does not stop, seek medical attention immediately.

For many minor dental irritations of the teeth, gums and mouth, a good old-fashioned warm salt water rinse can give temporary relief. We are not big fans of medications like Anbesol Gel as there are many side effects and over usage can harm the mouth tissues.

So there you have it – your very own travel dental emergency kit! The most important thing to remember is that all of the solutions presented here are temporary in nature. Should any emergency arise, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible.

At the office of Drs. Knock, Vocal and Brunacini, we are always here for you, even if you are far away from home. If you have any questions about a dental emergency or anything else dental related, please give us a call at 207-781-5900. Have a safe, healthy summer vacation, and don’t forget to brush and floss!

Your Teeth Aren’t in Kansas Anymore!

Recently a famous celebrity doctor (whose last name sounds like a land where Dorothy from Kansas found a great and powerful wizard) recommended a simple at-home whitening formula. The recipe? Coat your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice before brushing.

Does this really work? Well, it certainly may remove some stains. But unfortunately it can also be a recipe for disaster.

Lemon juice is an acid, so even though fruits are generally healthy, large concentrations of the juice can actually wear away enamel, the hard outer layer of your teeth. Once that erodes, not only are teeth quite unattractive – they are incredibly prone to cavities and difficult to repair.

Baking soda is an abrasive material, kind of like sandpaper. So even though in very small amounts it can polish your teeth nicely, use the wrong amount and you may as well be sanding your teeth away!

Our suggestion?

Put the lemon in your tea and use baking soda in the kitchen! When it comes to whitening your teeth, your best bet is to ask a dental professional.

Over-the-counter whitening toothpastes and whitening products from the drug store can do a decent job on lightly stained teeth, especially for those in their late teens and early twenties. But we find that most people who express the desire for whiter teeth need what only a dental office can offer.

There are many different treatments available, from take home systems with custom molded trays to much stronger products that must be supervised by a dentist. At Falmouth Dental Arts, we will be glad to tell you which one is right for you. Or we may even recommend that you keep your teeth as they are!
As far as that TV doctor – we wish him the best and hope he doesn’t grind his teeth away. When it comes to dental advice, please ask a member of the dental profession!

Please remember that at Falmouth Dental Arts, we are here for you! If you have any questions about this or anything else concerning your dental health, please give us a call at 207-781-5900, or visit our website at www.portlandmainedentists.com

Tight Dentures – Take a Bite out of that Apple!

If you, a friend, or a loved one wears dentures that spend much of the time either floating around in the mouth or, even worse, sitting in a glass, then there are many new solutions to this problem. Many people wear their dentures for too many years before they are remade or even relined. Sometimes this is due to the fact they weren’t told to get them checked every year. Sometimes they just can’t afford to keep up with the maintenance. A lot of the time, they just “get used to them” and forget about doing anything further about them.

The American Dental Association recommends that dentures be redone or relined every 3-4 years. The main reason is that the bone supporting the dentures will erode away if they don’t fit correctly, hence they get “loose.” When this happens simple biting becomes a chore and a hopeless feeling of ever being able to bite into an apple again takes place. Many people are fine with this feeling, but many others wish that something could be done about it.

One solution could be as simple as remaking the denture to the eroded ridges. Sometimes this will improve the bite tremendously. Another solution could be to reline the inside of the denture to fit better. Most dentists are capable of doing these procedures which are the least expensive.
To truly have “Tight Dentures” the placement of Mini Dental Implants can be a Godsend. These tiny, FDA approved Titanium implants have revolutionized dentistry and have made thousands of denture wearers able to “bite into that apple.” A Mini Dental Implant, once placed, can anchor an upper or lower denture and keep it from dislodging and “floating” around in the mouth. No need for all that goopy denture adhesive – it becomes a thing of the past. The upper denture can be so well anchored with “Minis” that it can be horseshoe shaped and not have plastic in the roof of the mouth! Most of the time, to do this, several implants have to be placed.

Another great advantage of the Mini Dental Implants is that they are one-third to one-half the cost of conventional implants. And most of the time they only require one visit! Next time we’ll talk about how Mini Implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth.
Here Falmouth Dental Arts we are able to provide this superb service. Let us know if you, a friend or a loved one is interested!