Do You Brush Your Teeth Correctly? Probably Not!!

Almost everybody brushes their teeth, but only one in ten people are doing it effectively! To that, we have to say a great big “YUCK!!” Imagine if only ten percent of the population showered correctly. That would be pretty gross. But according to researchers at The...

Spit Won’t Quit!

No one likes to get their blood taken – it’s just not fun!! But it’s the only way that we can be tested for diabetes, anemia, cholesterol levels, and many other important health issues. Well, that may soon be changing! Scientists at Johns Hopkins University are saying...

Snoring – It Can Kill You!

Sure – snoring is annoying. But can it actually be deadly? No – this does not mean being strangled in the middle of the night by a severely annoyed spouse or partner, as tempting as that may be! But the fact is, snoring is often related to sleep apnea, a condition...

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear!

Here’s an interesting quiz for you. Who originally dispensed the famous recommendation to “see your dentist twice a year?” We all know it’s true (or do we???) – so when and where do you think that bit of advice originated? a) The American Dental Association in 1933 b)...

Even Your Best Friend Won’t Tell You!

 It’s a situation that has happened to us all.  A friend or relative comes close to talk to you, and when they open their mouth an odor comes pouring out that could knock out a racehorse from a mile away! But besides backing up a few feet and ending the conversation...

Ten Fun and Crazy Dental Facts!

At Falmouth Dental Arts, the office of Dr. Glen Knock and Dr. Brian Brunacini, we take dentistry very seriously. But believe it or not, teeth can be fun! Here are ten wild and crazy dental facts that will make you smile and improve your health as well.  The average...

Beware of Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and you may be getting ready for some big fat kisses to come your way. So even though at Falmouth Dental Arts, we're concerned about cavities, gum disease, bad breath and lots of saliva, we won't use this month's blog entry...

You Say You Want a Resolution??

As 2012 approaches, you have probably already started your list of New Year's resolutions.  If you are like most people, this list probably includes: go to the gym, lose weight, take tango lessons, call your mother more often, find the cure for cancer, etc... But...

Don’t be a Dental Turkey!

When the pilgrims left England on the Mayflower, they were looking for a land free of persecution.  By the time they landed in Massachusetts 66 days later, they found the journey to be a lot more grueling than they orginally planned. Among the many health issues they...